View Full Version : Popping in to report

19-12-12, 01:57
Just want to update people who have palps and mostly for all of you who have had all the tests.

I know mine started when I was on nicotine patches. But due to stress and other factors - they continued even when I stopped the patches.

I was 59 years old when I first got palps - but thinking back, I always got a really fast heart rate on decongestants.

So wanting to cut a long story short while realizing that lots of things can cause palps, such as medications, hormone fluctuations in monthly cycles, pregnancy - anxiety and depression, dehydration and a host of other reasons.

With the help of my cardiologist and GP - I have come to realize after 3 years of these things that the main cause of mine has been acid reflux - first of all silent reflux and later quite painful acid reflux causing my esophagus to spasm which then irritates my vagus nerve and hence palps.

Stress has caused the acid and acid has caused the palps.

I have been on a better diet and its only when I slip that I get acid....or if I am tense and stress I feel it burning my esophagus and know what's coming. If I keep my stomach free from acid, dont over eat and keep away from fizzy drinks, caffeine, chocolate and acidic foods they ease off.

19-12-12, 09:11
Thanks for the update. Some questions for you, when you say you're on a "better diet" is there anything particular you now include? I know you listed things to avoid, but is there anything you eat or drink now that you didn't before, which is helping? Any supplements or vitamins, etc?

20-01-13, 18:29
That's funny as I suffer from terrible acid reflux; along with my mother, grandmother, and grandad, who all happened to have ulcers due to it, as well as me. I am on omeprazole 20mg for it which does seem to help a lot, but I still seem to get palpitations. During times of strong anxiety, I seem to get more stomach pains during eating, burp more, more stomach acid and more chest pains/palps. I have noticed this relationship along with many others.

20-01-13, 18:32
Hi have this as well. Get quite bad chest pains which the doctors have put down to indigestion. Got an endoscopy booked for Friday to find out what's going on as medication hasn't helped.

20-01-13, 18:41
Good luck with your endoscopy. My doctor said if I have any trouble again in the future I'd have to have an endoscopy, although I don't really want one they sound horrible haha.