View Full Version : Germs!

19-12-12, 02:02
Hey I'm Kevin. I've had HA for well around 8 months now. And it has taken its course to germs. I worry about germs all the time. I worry about them crawling inside of me and making me sick. Sick to the point where I die. When I come home after school I wash them instantly because I ride the bus and train to school. If I come home from school and accidently rub my eyes, nose, or touch my lip I freak out and think about how I was touching dirty poles and being surrounded by people who could be sick. I mean I'm a biter(I bite my nails), and when I was on the train I wasn't thinking and bit them. And when I had my finger in my mouth I remembered I was just holding onto a dirty pole that sick and nasty people could have touched! I freaked and it never crossed my mind. Please help me, are germs as bad as I am thinking they are?

-Kevin :weep:

19-12-12, 16:24
No, they are not as bad as you think they are. What you call "germs" - viruses, bacteria etc are everywhere all of the time. Most of them are harmless, some of them are actually good for us. You are unlikely to pick up anything serious on public transportation, and the usual things like colds and flu are airborne anyway.

The best thing you can do to avoid those is stop biting your nails and wash your hands regularly - and it sounds as if you are already doing one of those.

20-12-12, 03:23
Thank you!

20-12-12, 05:32
CBT can help. I'm not sure but that germ phobia can be linked to OCD.
Try not to get into the habit of giving in to fear :)

Yes germs are ever where. But most are not dangerous.
We build up a good immune system by being exposed to them.

I know myself, I once very paranoid after some flu virus outbreak.
I used a lot of hand gel!
Heh I was the same way tried not to touch my face.

The more you think about it the worse it gets.
It's good to wash your hands or use hand gel before you eat.
And after using the bathroom.

Even if you did get sick, most things are very treatable.
I've had the flu countless times,
Then I've had chest infections which antibiotics cleared up very fast,
You're healthy with a good immune system, make sure you've got a good diet!