View Full Version : Woke up Blind in one eye

19-12-12, 08:55
I woke up this morning early as my daughter has a hospital appointment and my wife lost her mobile so I had to turn mine on to ring her.

I did that all ok then I went back to sleep for about 10mins then when I awoke againmy left eye felt as if I had been punched in it (I have developed a blind spot in that eye over the last month) so I covered my right eye and I could not see a thing out of my left eye.

I got out of bed gently fearing a stroke or something walked to the bathroom turned the light on and looked in the mirror as my vision was a bit dark closed my right eye and still nothing out of my left eye.

But over the next few minutes my vision cameback in my left eye.

Anyone any ideas. Can't get a docs appointment or the eye doc for awhile fully booked.

Is this a thing that happens to a few people.

19-12-12, 10:37
I have had this a lot and when I first had it really scared me. It seems to happen to me if I look at my mobile in a dark room then when I look away from it I have lost vision in one eye it's horrible.

19-12-12, 10:56
I have had this a lot and when I first had it really scared me. It seems to happen to me if I look at my mobile in a dark room then when I look away from it I have lost vision in one eye it's horrible.

You summed it up well, The glare of the mobile must have the same effect as looking at someone welding with out a face sheild.

I have done that before and it blinded me for hours.

Sounds like it is a tempory thing that just happens

Thanks for your reply that has answered a question for me

29-01-13, 20:48
Hi, I'm bumping this up a bit.

I seen the eye doc the next day and he did his tests and I failed the field of vision test on my left eye (the one I went blind in) half the print out was just black but the other tests were fine he said my eye health was ok.

He told me to see my doctor as he was sending his results to them anyway I seen my doctor afew days later and she just said it could of been a blood clot and then she just said if it happens again they would look into it.

Anyway I have since been incontact with 2 eye doctors online one in the usa and 1 from specsavers and they both said that my doctor should really be taking this serious and checking it out as it could of been a store of the eye and that could lead to a full blown stroke over time.

BUT my doctor is not taking this serious as she thinks I have health anxiety...

PLEASE any ideas on how to deal with this please

29-01-13, 21:15
Hi extremx, with what you experienced. , and the unbelievable response from your doctor , perhaps seeing another doctor or visiting a& e is worth while , just to make sure all is well .
Take care.

Anxious lu
30-01-13, 01:35
I literally just got so scared because I looked at my phone in the dark and when I stopped I noticed my left eye was seeing things a lot darker than the right and blurrier too. It aches a tad so I really panicked. However now I think I was just the glare from the phone because my eyes have adjusted to it now..

Hopefully it's the same with you as we all have this phone in the dark thing in common x

Anxious lu
31-01-13, 23:10
Just to let you know following my comment I woke up an hour later with a severe migraine. Goes to show what harsh light can do in the dark.

You can also experience these auras without having the full blown headache so may have even been that?

Hope you are well x

01-02-13, 11:33
Thanks Lucy & Ronno.

I seem the head doctor at my surgery and I he had a listen to my chest and also my carotid artery (runs up the neck) to see if he could hear any blockages something my doctor should of done this first time.

He is sendin me to see a eye specialist at the hospital to get check out and maybe if need a echo done on the carotid artery to see if my blindness was cause by fragments of cholesterol traveling up. As this could lead to strokes if it traveled to the brain.

So best to get it check as for once this is not my health anxiety.

Also I hope to have my heart echo results today and that may help explain things abit.

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 ----------

Just had the doctor on the phone,

My echocardiogram was ok my heart is working normally fine and no sign of value problems and everything is pumping properly

So Hopefully with a good push in the right direction I can stop worrying about heart problems.

Lord Choc Ice
05-02-16, 10:00
I had this in the middle of the night but it's OK now. However, I have many other health complications that I'm really worried now. I have told my GP and I'm waiting for a response.

19-02-16, 21:40
How r u now??.

Lord Choc Ice
20-02-16, 09:08
How r u now??.

I'm fine now thanks. I spoke to my GP and she thought it was more than likely the way I slept which put pressure on my corotid artery. I'm sure I woke up that morning with my thumb in my eye - for no good reason (!) - and that's what caused it. It was quite scary and not something I had ever done before. It took a good few minutes to get my sight back.

15-03-16, 12:48
I literally just got so scared because I looked at my phone in the dark and when I stopped I noticed my left eye was seeing things a lot darker than the right and blurrier too. It aches a tad so I really panicked. However now I think I was just the glare from the phone because my eyes have adjusted to it now..

Hopefully it's the same with you as we all have this phone in the dark thing in common x

sounds like retinal migraine , only one eye is affected and they reckon if you put your hand over the eye you can see out of the other eye will return to normal. Its caused by stress and it is when the eye muscles tense up and that's when you lose vision in it .

My husband had the exact same thing happen last Wednesday , we busy with our son and four year old grandson getting our passports re newed at the post office and my hubby was stressed and on the way home he lost sight in his right eye . It returned to normal in about five minutes .

We have just booked our annual eye test for April so if anything is wrong it will be picked up on that test because they do the retinal screening .

Hope you're okay .

help me 21
15-03-16, 13:02
I have this it's a migraine I'm sure of it

15-03-16, 13:06
I have this it's a migraine I'm sure of it

does sound like it doesn't it . I have it too and it scares the life out of me , but i get it both eyes and see everything half it goes in 15-20 minutes and the eyesight is back to normal .

15-03-16, 19:45
I have had occular migraines a few times. I lose vision in one eye and get flashing lights. I don't get a headache. My Dr told me this is a type of migraine and nothing to worry about. The first time it happened I was convinced I was having a stroke.