View Full Version : Really bad night

19-12-12, 12:36
Hi guys

Really need some reassurance today. I've been doing so well over the past few weeks with my medication starting to kick in and me finally getting myself some cbt.

Saturday and Sunday were great days with no chest pains at all then lunchtime yesterday I started to get a pressure feeling in my sternum which I think is heartburn though I'd not get acid taste in my mouth. I've had this sensation over the past few weeks and have put it down to my meds (fluoxetine and propranaolol) and have now cut out the propranolol and seemed to be getting much better.

I had gaviscon for the pressure feeling at about 4pm and it started to ease up a bit then at about 7pm it hit me really hard. I had an intense pain in the middle of my chest which seemed to be radiating in a band across my chest. I've never had this feeling before and it really freaked me out. My chest pains are either usually sharp pains, twinges or the pressure feeling from heartburn and i was convinced it was a heart attack on the way. Anyway I resisted the urge to ring an ambulance and went to bed but was really sick within a few minutes of getting into bed. I then had a bad nights sleep waking up many times and the pain was still there so I continued to panic.

I was booked into the doctors this morning anyway to review how my fluoxetine is going and she checked me over and said it doesn't even sound remotely like a cardiac problem and is putting it down to heartburn and too much acid again. She has prescribed me a form of Zantac and has also given me diazepam to be used in 'emergencies'. I hate that I can't tell the difference between real cardiac pain and this as lots you read makes them sond so similar!

Im so frustrated. I was making great progress and really believing it is anxiety and not a heat problem and this feels like its set me right back with me doubting it all over again.

Any comforting words welcomed!

19-12-12, 14:07
If it's anxiety - and it certainly seems so (as you've been to the Doc's) then the more you worry the worse it will get, which will make you panic...

Obvious I know, but reducing your anxiety levels should reduce the symptoms, along with the medications you've been prescribed.

Trust the GPs, they know more than us :)

20-12-12, 07:12
Thanks Mark.

I've booked myself in for a full health assessment today with Bupa as I really need to gets closure on there being nothing wrong with my heart.

I know I've had all the heart tests previously but the doctors just don't have enough time to take you through things properly. With this assessment I get an hour with the doctor after all my tests to specifically address my concerns. This may seem a bit OTT to some but I really feel like I need this to move on.

My chest pains have been much worse the last two days and have been right in the middle of my chest spreading outwards. Because its so different to what I've had for the past 7 months I'm having a really hard time accepting it is just anxiety.

I'll update after my tests as if all clear (hopefully) others can hopefully take some comfort that anxiety really can do all of this to you!

20-12-12, 07:44
Hi Arnie.

Not OTT at all mate. As important as it is to get the tests done, I sometimes think it's more important that the doc explains, to the level we need and with sufficient clarity, what it means in relation to our overall health.

I think Mark is right - that cycle of symptom creating anxiety creating symptom is a swine to deal with.

Speak to the docs. I'd be inclined to say to them 'If you were in my shoes, should I be concerned with anything'.

Hope it all goes well mate.


20-12-12, 08:17
I have had loads of chest pain..and palps. I went to get my heart checked and im fine..my heart is normal. So i would say anxiety is a ass and causes a lot of pain that means nothing. Other then stress

20-12-12, 08:59
i have just had a really hard thudding in my chest it was really but i d get a lot of anxiety in the morning and i was calming down managed 2 just sit through it and let it pass for a minute i was getting a bit worried and had to tell myself it was nothing serious just anxiety x

---------- Post added at 08:59 ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 ----------

this is a bit random but where do i go if i want 2 post a thread i have forgot x

20-12-12, 11:05
You should ask the doctors to explain to you what might be causing the chest pain and why.
I think that would me if I had your problem.
If its acid or digestion problems maybe it can pain and possiably cramping/tensing of your insides, so it's not your heart that's in pain more so the digestive system?

20-12-12, 11:49
If you are getting bad acid reflux it can inflame the outer part of your stomach and it will feel like a pain just under your ribs, I know as I get bad reflux. I take Omeprazole tablets which have completely removed all acid, can pretty much eat and drink what I want without it flairing up.

Feeling anxiety and tense can also make your muscles sore across your chest, you might have been tensse of a few days and this could have caused the pains?

If it was a cardiac pain you'd probably be pale, sweating in a feverish state and be unable to breath.

If you can control your breathing when getting panicy you will be able to calm yourself out of it.

20-12-12, 17:13
Hi guys

Just back from the bupa hospital and thought I would share my results. Everything is in tip top shape which is such a relief! The doctor was brilliant and even though I was only supposed to get 45mins with him to discuss my results he was happy to talk to me for an hour and a half and was so good at explaining everything from what all the different lumps and bumps on an ECG mean, what they would look like if something was wrong with my heart, why stomach acid can produce chest pains etc.

I feel so much better now I know it's 'just' anxiety lol and I'm determined to beat this through cbt and my meds.

Looking at my cholesterol, blood pressure etc he has put my risk of heart attack at less than 1% in the next 10 years. This alone has made me feel good.

I've had several ecgs and blood tests and chest x-rays but as I've said before the doctors never really talked me through it so the little seeds of doubt were able to grow as soon as I came away from seeing them.

This doc covered everything I asked him.

I'm sure others will know this but I didn't. The nerve which connects the heart to the brain is in the same place as the stomach/brain link. This is why too much acid can aggregate this nerve and that's what gives you the chest pains (well one of the reasons anyway). This really helps me as my gp kept telling me it was indigestion but I just couldn't marry this with chest pains in my own mind. Now I'll remember this every time it comes on.

Anyway, I guess what I've learnt is that all the doctors have been right previously all that was lacking was the time to explain things to me (not that I blame them, the NHS is soooooo overstretched!) and I guess someone like me with health anxiety will always listen to the 1% of doubt coming from the little voices rather than the 99% assurance I'm given by the professionals.

Therefore my message would be that if you have been thoroughly checked out and got the all clear, believe it!

20-12-12, 19:46
See I feel the same, doctors have bad communication skills, I don't know why considering you have to be smart to be a doctor.

Very happy that it went so well :) if it helps ease your fears I'm sure it's well worth the money.

20-12-12, 19:51
Hi Arnie.

Without wanting to sound weird, I was thinking about how you were getting on this afternoon. Really pleased that all came back clear but more pleased you seem happier with the docs explanation!

Hope today's events kick the HA well into touch for a long, long time.

Enjoy Xmas!


21-12-12, 08:11
Thanks Dan. I was thinking about you as well the other day actually when we both had the pressure pain in the sternum and I wondered how you were getting on with it! I think that's the great thing about NMP we are all here to support each other and its natural to make this kind of bonds I guess. Has your pains ease any yet?

I'm feeling really good this morning no sign of chest pains so far. I don't for a second think I'm cured just like that thought. My therapist identified with me my instant automatic 'hot' thought as she called it (the first thing that flashes through your mind after an activating event from your sub conscious and you don't even realise you've had it!) is that something is wrong with my heart. All other thoughts then follow this so I'm really hoping that now I have belief in my health this hot thought will be no more and I should slowly start getting better.

Hope this theory helps everyone else out a little as well.

Have a great Xmas

23-12-12, 14:43
Well, things had been going great albeit only for two days!

I hadn't had any chest pains and yesterday felt on top of the world and really started to feel I was over this.

I went to the gym this morning which is the first time for months. I ran on the treadmill for about 30mins and did push myself hard. I didn't get any chest pains and felt ok however when I checked my heart rate on the treadmill checker it was up at 180bpm. Usually my resting heart rates around 60-70 so I was up near my max heart rate. Now I accept that I'm not as fit as I used to be given I haven't been to the gym for so long but my heart rate just seemed to take ages and ages to come down. This was probably because I was getting anxious but even when doing the cool down slow walk for 5 mins it was still about 130bpm.

I went home and tried to calm down but it just wouldn't come down at all and was still well over 100bpm over an hour later. I really started to freak and seriously considered calling for an ambulance but resisted.

I've now taken 40mg of propranolol and 5mg of diazepam and it's back down to about 70bpm but it's taken 3 hours. Does anyone else who has a high heart rate have it for this length of time?

This has really rattled me as all through my anxiety I've never really had fast heart rate or palpitations as a symptom. It's usually just confined to chest pains then panic waves.

Argghh! So frustrating that I was making good progress, thought I was doing the right thing by going to the gym and now started to plant doubt in my mind again!

I'm not going to let this deter me though, I will go back to the gym after Christmas but maybe not push myself so hard this time until my fitness builds up again!