View Full Version : Headaches, dizziness, tired getting down..

19-12-12, 13:52
Hi guys hope you are well.

For about the last three years I have been suffering on and off with headaches tight pressure in the head, dizziness and a general feeling of spaced out and tired.

The pattern is as follows.

Wake up 8.00 (fine)

9.00 all the above symptoms start to flood in.

9.00 till about 13.00 constant symptoms no let up.

From about 14.00 to 20.00 the symptoms start to lessen

Then about 21.00 there are no signs of the above symptoms at all.

If it’s a weekend and im not at work the symptoms are still there and if I start drinking alcohol in the afternoon then these symptoms will dissipate gradually.

As you can imagine ive had this on and off for 3 years. Ive had an MRI scan about 5 years ago for something unrelated and that was clear, ive had an ECG which was fine at the time and various trips to the doctors but still have not found a cure.

This is really getting me down.

Has anyone had anything like this and had success with any cures at all?

Thanks a lot .

20-12-12, 09:51

I have the same, first thing when i get and get ready, fine. When i get to work and up until about lunchtime...lightheaded, on edge, cold then hot. I always wondered whether it was to do with blood sugar as i suffer from dips in blood sugar and mornings are worse.
