View Full Version : Okay maybe someone can help me see sense..

19-12-12, 14:28
You fellow anxiety sufferers will understand the whole "voices in your head telling you what if"
Well I just spoke to my doctor and he said that lymph nodes that move together are completely normal as they are joint together by a tube anyway and sometimes when you move one it will move another.
He then said I know you don't want to go for a scan because you said it will worry you, but I do recommend a blood test because I want to check you for a underactive thyroid to make sure that isn't causing your anxiety.
He said he is in no way looking for any kind of cancer
I said has this blood test got anything to do with my glands and he said no not at all.

So why is my head saying "he is tricking you, he is going to do this and then look for cancer and find it"

He said he isn't even going to test for cancer, he is only concerned for my anxiety.

Any words of reassurance to calm my damn head down? lol :shrug:

19-12-12, 14:30
Trust your doctor, he knows what he is talking about so take reassurance from this x

19-12-12, 14:32
your doctor would lie to you so try not to worry too much. its good hes doing a blood test at least he is trying to help you and if he said hes testing for a thyroid problem then that's what hes doing :)

19-12-12, 15:33
A blood test to rule out thyroid problems should be the first thing a doctor does as they can cause anxiety symptoms.

Your doc is just basically doing his job right- that's a good thing!

19-12-12, 15:42
my doctor did a thyroid lab work up when i went in for anxiety and depression just in case, especially bc I have a family history of hypothyroid ... it was normal, just plain old anxiety

19-12-12, 19:13
Your doctor is being 100% straight with you. Thyroid problems can cause anxiety and depression (I know this first-hand because thyroid problems run in my family), so the doctor is doing the right thing by checking this for you.

Please don't worry about this, the test has just been done to reassure you. I hope the results are what you hope for!

19-12-12, 20:08
What everyone else said, plus: the NHS just wouldn't pay for anymore tests than they had to!