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View Full Version : 4 weeks pregnant...abortion...tocophobia and sickness taking over

19-12-12, 15:54
what can I expect I am so so nervous about booking one.

I just cannot do this pregnancy....I am so terrified and already have nausea and sickness at 4 weeks

19-12-12, 17:53
Are you saying that you are going to have an abortion because you are afraid of being pregnant?

19-12-12, 18:04
You need to decide if you simple dont want the responsiblity of having a child or if the only reason is because of your anxiety and phobia.

I would suggest talking to your doctor and a mental health professional before making a decision.

I don't know much, but I think up to 8 weeks you can take a pill which induces a miscarriage, after that option there's the medical procedure.

19-12-12, 18:55
I am not afraid of having a child. I am a trainee teacher and great with children and love babies. However only 4 weeks in I am hating the changes and feel like I have an alien :(?pregnant ladies freak me out and when I have seen childbirth shows I have literally fainted!

19-12-12, 19:06
Hey, I actually have a fair amount in common with you! I have just qualified as a teacher, but whilst a student I had two unplanned pregnancies. I also felt as though I had an alien in me, although I wanted children. I hated the changes in my body - growing, veiny, sore boobs, achy legs, extreme fatigue, bad skin, nausea etc. I got all these symptoms before I even knew I was pregnant! I found out before I was even 4 weeks also. When did you find out?
I considered an abortion with both my pregnancies due to anxieties surrounding it, however decided against it both times. I realised that it is the most natural thing on earth, and that I love children enough to put up with it.
By all means, if an abortion is really the only option for you, then that is the correct thing for you to do, but really really think about it before you do. It is a huge decision, and you have obviously not had time to adjust to the changes in your body, so give yourself time. Feel free to pm me.
My friend went through an abortion a few years back and it still impacts on her life, despite the fact that she is not maternal at all and never wants kids.

19-12-12, 19:07
The changes to your body will only be temporary though, even childbirth (however scary!) is a relatively short event. Your child on the other hand will be with you forever and I'm sure will bring tremendous joy into your life. Please think carefully and seek professional advise before you make any drastic decisions that you may later regret.

Good luck!

19-12-12, 19:20
I just cannot watch pregnancy or childbirth shows. My sister watched one born every minute and I wasnt even pregnant and I literally fainted!! This is literally my worst nightmare coming true

19-12-12, 19:34
I don't blame you for freaking out about childbirth, because it does look pretty gruesome! However, when you watch a mother after their baby is born, they are so happy! They might have been in agony for a few hours but the pain was all seems to be worth it because of the joy they feel from their new baby.

Perhaps you should go to your doctor and tell him/her about your fear of childbirth. They will then be able to give you more advise and information about it. You can then make a more informed decision about what you want to do.

I wish you all the best and hope you make the right decision for yourself.

19-12-12, 20:07
Hey, I replied to your pm before I read the rest of this thread, you may also be eligible for an elective caesarean if you are genuinely so scared of giving birth that you are considering a termination. My friend was offered one (she had to see a psychologist first) however in the end she gave birth naturally - through choice - and has since had another - naturally also!

20-12-12, 01:37
If childbirth was so bad no one would have a second child. I was terrified when I was pregnant, I too hated watching childbirth shows, but when you're actually having the baby you forget all that and just go with your body. My second pregnancy I enjoyed and wasn't worried at all.

Take time to consider this decision very carefully as you don't want to regret it later. As some of the others have said it's a decision that can impact your life for years to come. You should definitely talk to someone like your doctor first and tell them of your fears and discuss it with them so you can make an informed decisision.

20-12-12, 02:57
I didn't faint in the room, though it certainly was a messy business. Two times. The labor looked to be the tough part as it took a while the first one, for my wife.

You did not describe your situation. Is there a partner for support? OK I see there is. Please work with him, you two are the team now.

20-12-12, 08:37
I have an amazing husband who is excited and he actually had a go at me this morning for not seeming the slightest bit excited

20-12-12, 13:36
Have the baby, sounds like it will work. There are medicines for the post baby times as well, so get all the professionals to help. You'll be fine, baby will be fine.

20-12-12, 16:53
Childbirth is scary and so is pregnancy, I am actually trying to get pregnant again and scared, but it is absolutely amazing to expierience, and the bond with your child us unimaginable. Wouldn't trade it for anything...Pregnancy, etc is temporary, your symptoms will go...

20-12-12, 17:21
thanks...I just think my anxiety makes my sickness a lot lot worse