View Full Version : Got beeped at on a roundabout, confidence gone

19-12-12, 16:39
Hi guys,
went out on my own for one of the first times today. I drove home from work & on a confusing mini roundabout I stopped to observe, I don't think i waited there for longer than 30 seconds and someone started beeping behind me. I was mortified, waited a second more for a gap and went. It has massively knocked my confidence to be honest.
I dont want to drive on my own to work again tomorrow :(

19-12-12, 16:43
Hi GirlAfraid.

Don't let that one little incident ruin your confidence! I'd say see how you go tomorrow, I'm sure you will be absolutely fine and that incident today was just the one off.

If it helps you to have someone with you then do you have anyone that can be with you tomorrow? Or do you have to go on your own tomorrow?

19-12-12, 16:48
There's no one to come back with me no :(

19-12-12, 16:49
Most people have probably annoyed someone else on the roads - I know I have! People on an advanced drivers forum say they have pissed people off for driving exactly at the speed limit on a single carriage way road, but the person who overtook them wanted them to go faster. There are lots of impatient people out there who get annoyed at people even if they follow the highway code to the very word.

I really wouldn't worry about it - you have as much right to be on the road as Mr or Mrs impatient is :) I'd just take your time and not let anyone else push you.

19-12-12, 17:04
Don't let this get you down, I have done the same thing before. Since you have just passed your test why don't you get one of those plates for your car with P on. Like the L but the P means you have just passed your test and warns other drivers that you may not have a lot of confidence yet. I think you can buy them at places like Halfords.

19-12-12, 17:07
Annie I've heard they can make drivers even more impatient

19-12-12, 17:10
Try and look at this way, don't take it personally the person that beeped you doesn't know you so it's not a personal thing, I used to be really frightened driving and no my answer is, if you don't like it, go round me or I will take even longer till I'm comfortable in moving. Just because of one arrogant pig doesn't make you a bad driver xx

19-12-12, 17:12
Some drivers are just impatient anyway but the better drivers will take notice of it. Don't let the impatient drivers knock your confidence. xx

20-12-12, 21:22
The car behind you didn't have the visibility you did. Some people are just impatient. I've been beeped at for similar, I've been beeped at for failing to speed, for giving a fire engine priority, some people are just idiots. You were right to wait until you felt it was safe to go.

My experience was that other drivers were much more patient with me with P plates than L plates. Might be worth a try.

20-12-12, 22:50
How did you get on when driving to work today? Did you feel more confident or are you still nervous about what happened yesterday?

20-12-12, 22:53
Hmm. Someone was driving like a prat and got behind me, flashing his lights, then zoomed past and overtook me dangerously.

Unfortunately for him, we came to a straight stretch and my little Peugeot diesel has been suped up to sports car level, and in my immaturity I overtook him back, then when he started flashing his lights I held my middle finger up to him for a full twenty seconds (to make sure he missed none of my rapier-like subtlety).

I'm not condoning this stupidity, and I know it doesn't help you, just thought you'd like to know some of us are out there sticking it to the morons :roflmao:

20-12-12, 22:59
As the others have said, some people are just impatient, and that is their problem - not yours! I've been beeped and flashed at for doing 70mph on a 70mph road, had someone tailgate me for doing 30mph in a 30 zone, had a woman shout at me because she pulled out at a junction without looking, and a man give me verbal abuse because I was less than impressed when he drove on the pavement to undertake me. All of these things made me cross and exasperated, but they reflect solely on the poor driving of the other party, not on my driving. The same is true in your case.

I would consider getting some P plates as Annie suggested. I know you said you've heard they can make people more impatient, but I think to be honest you would find that that applies to a real minority. If I see someone with a P plate displayed I tend to think "Good on you for being sensible and recognising that passing the driving test is only one stage of your learning process".