View Full Version : Stomach ulcer

19-12-12, 19:24
Has anyone had a stomach ulcer?

I was at the doctors last week with general stomach discomfort and he thought it was IBS.

The thing is that over the last few days (today especially), I've had a gnawing sharp pain in one particular area. If you drew a line between your navel and sternum, well my pain is about halfway up that line and just to the right of it. the NHS help page says that this type of pain and this location is symptomatic of a duodenal ulcer.

My HA has gone stellar today as I'm trying to cope with the thoughts of it being stomach or pancreatic cancer. The doctor examined my abdomen last week and he didn't seem too concerned but the discomfort seems to have focused in this one area. If I go back to the doctors so soon I'll look like a fool but if it is an ulcer and I leave it too long, I'm scared what might happen.

Any words of support would be really welcome (and apologies to the good people who have already replied to recent posts of mine; this bout of HA seems to be pretty fierce).

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:05 ----------

Perhaps what I should ask is - has anyone had the same symptoms as me and it turned out to be anxiety?

I'm going back to the doctors but am interested to know if anyone has had these same pains and it was down to stress/worry rather than a) an ulcer or b) something worse...

19-12-12, 19:32
They are putting mine down to anxiety Dan. I have had ultrasounds, loads of blood tests, x rays, today an endoscopy looking for, acid reflux, stomach ulcer, hernia, or worse, and nothing has shown up to now. My GP politely told me in May he thought I was anxious and nothing else, but I have been pushing for tests and visiting weekly as struggling to believe them. Must admit beginning to wonder as now had a clear endoscopy (would have sworn something would have shown today) Stress can cause lots of weird stomach problems, more than I would believe. My husband has IBS and Crohns and only has flare ups when he is stressed out, so there has to be some kind of connection. Take care .

19-12-12, 20:09
Alma, I'm so glad that your results came back clear.

Can I ask...have you had recurring niggling trapped wind like pain in certain areas of your abdomen? I'm going back to the docs tomorrow as I'm doing myself no good at all thinking all manner of horrible things. I'm terrified about this symptom turning out to be something awful. Like you I feel certain that if they did an endoscopy on me now they'd find something...

You mentioned about your husbands condition flaring up when he gets stressed. I've had the most stressful few months I can remember for a long time so the rational part of my brain is trying to convince me that this may have something to do with it.

Feel like I'm going out of my mind :unsure:

19-12-12, 20:19
Dan, I always and I mean always have this trapped wind sensation in stomach and under ribs. It is so painful. The nurse today suggested I lie on my back and rock my knees from side to side , apparently this helps to release it. I would have bet money today my endoscopy would have shown something horrible, but it was clear, it just shows what anxiety can do to you. I know from listening to my husband that when he is stressed at work, or we have had an arguement, it can set his symptoms off , if fact the GP told him he must keep stress levels to a minimum .
I think it is good for you to go back to the doctors , for your own peace of mind really and if you having a stressful time at the moment then maybe this could have something to do with your pain, but the doctor can assure you .
Don't apologise for posting , I post constantly when my HA is bad (all the time at the moment )

19-12-12, 21:15
Thanks Alma, I'll give that a try. My wife is having a hard time dealing with my stress at the moment, mainly because I'm acting like some kind of deranged idiot. I'm trying desperately to keep telling myself this could be all down to anxiety but that tiny 1% of my brain just has the upper hand at the moment.

Work has been insane, we've just found out we are having another baby (which may be twins), we live far away from family and I've a presentation to do before 80 people next month. I guess that could be enough to stress me out and cause symptoms...but then it also could cause an ulcer too.

Good God I hate being this anxious.