View Full Version : STEP 2 My God this isnt easy is it. Quick QUESTION

19-12-12, 19:53
Think i am hitting a brick wall again i done the 30mins exercise tonite as per the great advice from you guys to burn the cortisol and andrenaline.

The question is is it usual to feel terrible after trying out i done 30 mins on my bike rollers (i used to cycle before this health anxiety hit me) i feel totaly exhausted and wrecked i just cant believe how bad i feel IS THIS NORMAL

Thanks for continued support everyone :)

19-12-12, 20:03
yeah, hah i feel that bad after exercising if i have not done it in a long time (which is common for me!! :blush:)

19-12-12, 21:14
Think it's important to remember that yr body is already exhausted so would avoid over doing it - yr hav days where you can do more than others - don't see it as a fitness thing - its a marathon more than a sprint - i also find exercise outside more beneficial guess its the fresh air - look into liquorice - its good for adrenal exhaustion it's supposed to re-tone the adrenal glands - yr not supposed to take it if yr blood pressure is high so check out all the implications if you r going to take it best wishes

19-12-12, 22:27
Thanks for the replys everybody, yes i will try maybe get back out on the bike on the weekends in the fresh air.

I suppose i have to take baby steps with this its just that i was so active before this anxiety took over 30mins was no problem at all, and i guess there is a lot of that nasty adrenaline in my system i will also look into the liquirce to tone it down.

Thanks everybody:hugs::hugs:

19-12-12, 22:37
Give it 3 weeks and you will be fine :)

20-12-12, 00:44
Keep it up, you'll soon build back up your strength. Yes it's quite normal when you suffer from anxiety.

20-12-12, 10:07
Exercise isn't easy at first but it does get easier on you the longer your at it. I don't now your age, weight, lifestyle etc but I lost alot of weight last year in a very short space of time and from running only 3 miles, 4 months later I could do 12/13 miles with ease!

Not saying everyone is the same but once you get into the routine is can become addictive. I should also say during this time my H.Anx had all but completely gone! I need to get back to that myself.

20-12-12, 11:10
I'm a great believer in exercise too, it's just such a shame it's quite a hard thing to get motivated to do when you're feeling low. In answer to the OP I'd also add that you can become unfit surprisingly quickly, so take it easy and build back up. Listen to your body and remember to have some rest days (which can be as productive as exercise days). I used to do an hour or more on a bike a day but after a break of only six months I then struggled to do ten minutes at a slow pace and felt cream crackered for a few days! But when you have those sessions where you push... push and push... the feeling afterwards is awesome and over weeks or months you really do start to feel the benefits. As Colin says above it can become addictive :)

20-12-12, 11:40
Even if your not wanting to run, go for a long walk to get into the habit our getting out and working up a sweat!