View Full Version : Emotionally distressed

19-12-12, 21:02
hi suffered with anxiety/panic/depression since 2004 was really bad for 2 years then very slowly things started improving never been nowhere near 100% but was lot better than now Again!! been suffering really bad last few days, things had been going ok for 12 months or so still suffered anxiety and depression but was at levels that were manageable didnt have any bad panic attacks, but just Had stressfull weekend and had row with partner and felt really angry (were ok now!!) then next day started having really bad anxiety and panic attacks, been bad last 3 days feel really emotional which i feel really awkward being emotional being a man in front of my girlfriend feel so ashamed i should be the strong one! everything now feels a real struggle i have 3 children and livestock to look after daily in a way i know its good having these as it forces me to go out and check and feed everything morning and evening but just feel so low and have to put in enormous effort with every little task i do, keep having bad panic attacks the adreneline in my chest burns and seems to last forever!! It might sound weird but when they pass i feel euphoric its a nice feeling of calm untill it starts again, just thought id get little off me chest thanks for reading guys... wish you all the best:)

19-12-12, 21:09
I too have suffered the same since 2004, had it really bad for a couple of years then managed it well until June this year when it has all triggered off again. The only positive thing I can say is that we have overcome it before so we can do it again. Not easy to believe when you are so low but it will improve again.

19-12-12, 21:34
hi thanks for the reply, i think thats what makes it so hard and disheartening when you get to grips with anxiety/depression & panic attacks and feel like your beginning to take your life back and start to live semi normally for it to just come back time after time. each time your convinced it will never go and you,ll be like this forever but then things get better and life moves on but you live in fear of when it,ll all return again. Just want it all to go away but know the more i wish that the longer it will stay with me, what need to do is to just keep as calm and ride out the storm go with it instead of fighting it but so so hard it breaks you down and you feel more tired and weaker everyday that goes by, some nites i sleep very little other nites i sleep all night but never wake up feeling refreshed just feel as though i havn,t been to bed i swear my mind runs at a million miles an hour even when im asleep... Hope you get through it all again soon, all the best:)

19-12-12, 22:09
You sound just the same as me, I could have written your posts! We will get there again though and hopefully it will stay away next time!!

19-12-12, 23:22
Mine too kicked off in 2004......must have been a bad year for it:unsure:

I had suffered from depression on and off since 1984 when sadly I suffered post natal depression following the birth of my daughter.

I've had 4 hospital admissions over the years but, fortunately, haven't needed any more for nearly 13 years.

It's a long journey to be on and it's a hard one but I know that we'll all come through it in the end:)

They'll be ups and downs along the way but so long as we can help, understand and support each other, we'll be fine:)

Sending you both hugs :hugs::hugs:

20-12-12, 09:17
ABE I would recommend the link that Auntie Moosie has put on for CBT4Panic.

20-12-12, 13:46
Hi thanks for the info have you tried this course:)

20-12-12, 13:55
I have and it is helping me. Robin Hall is very supportive and encouraging.