View Full Version : Will this ever end bit a help guys

20-12-12, 08:58
I am trying so hard to get out of this , but i am finding this so so hard , i wake up last night with pins and needles in my arms and hands sleep was ruined.
Today i feel terrible again all these aches and pains sensations i am sure something is wrong despite numerous visits to the doctors who say anxiety.

What do i have to do, i am trying everything CBT exercise, sleep.
my right hand feels terrible wrist with pins and needles is this the adrenaline again does it do something in your sleep.

I did exercise last night and felt terrible after it.

I have hit a brick wall again just a liitle help and advice guys i dont want to take any more of the zanax its like a false hope.:weep:

20-12-12, 09:34
Sometimes we need medication to help us through this, better to have medication and some quality of life than not take it and feel rubbish all the time. :hugs:

20-12-12, 10:02
Do you do any computer work, typing and using a mouse alot? Is it a tight band round your wrist, numbness and pins and needles in the pinky and ring finger?

Just asking, could be carpel tunnel syndrome. I get it alot and not just after work but can come on anytime. Can last for a few mins, hours or days.

20-12-12, 10:30
Yes use a computer everyday but I dont think it is that would it be in both hands I use moise im the left hand

20-12-12, 10:53
Anxiety and over breathing, breathing too fast from your chest will give you pins n needles.
Also if you were sitting for long time, or compressing any nerves in your back or neck it can do the same .

Try a warm bath and streach and massage your muscles.
You'd be surprised at how much tension you might have, you'll notice any sore areas too.

Make sure you're eating well too, I know being low in potassium can cause muscle cramps, so make sure you're getting all those vitamins.

How's your mattress? I changed mine after feeling sore and achy in the morning. It made a big difference.
Another thing you may be doing is not sleeping to well, or you can even tense your muscles up in your sleep too if your very stressed out.

20-12-12, 13:36
Yes i agree with that, the tension is unreal, i am going to try the bath after my excersise this evening. I relented and took the medicine theres only a certain amount you can take of this all consuming condition you guys are brilliant i just hope to help some people when i get out of all this turmoil and madness.

Second CBT Session on Sunday

Thanks again everbody:hugs::hugs:

20-12-12, 13:39
Excercise and nutrition are important overall, but no need to overdo it. Make a flexible goal: 3 days of vigorous work a week.

20-12-12, 14:14
Thanks Tero it was i was so active before this hit me so i guess i will take Your advice Thanks