View Full Version : Dads memory?

20-12-12, 09:32
This morning my dad has come up to me asking is nan 50 or 49 house number it's 49 he said. No it's 50.
Is it road or avenue I'm sure it's road. No it's avuene.
Is princess spelt with one s or two I've wrote one s down. His a fantastic speller always has been though. His very clever.
Is this just normal his 56 years old?

20-12-12, 09:44
I would say it is normal for men (sorry any males reading this!). My husband knows how to get to all his relatives houses but he hasn't a clue what the addresses are. I asked him what street his son lives (my step son) and he said "I don't know, I know where it is but I don't know the street name" and he goes there quite often! Seriously don't worry about it! They often have to be reminded of birth dates too!!

20-12-12, 12:38

My memory can, at times, be worse than that.

I'm 38.

Don't worry too much about it. Annie's right :)

20-12-12, 12:46
My dads the same, i can tell him something one day and the next i say it again and he would say 'well you never told me that' when clearly i did! lol my dad is 52 :) xx

20-12-12, 17:43
Hiya guys.
He also has a stye under his eyes and has been complaining about bad vision in that eye he has a stye and is miserable and doesn't look well today and has fallen asleep.
He drinks far far to much alcohol in my opinion as well and his been snappy and moody all day .
His starting to do my head in actually even though I worry about him s lot he will in no way see a doc unless he can't walk- typical man!!
He still can't remember my brothers or my bdays lol!!!

20-12-12, 17:51
My dad has terrible memory - he went out to get shoes repaired (with them in a carrier bag) and for nothing else - he came home with the unrepaired shoes, milk and bread! My dad is 52.

20-12-12, 17:56
Hi Em.ma :)

Honestly everything sounds fine, just being forgetful!
Have you asked him if he has any stress or worries in his life at the moment?
Maybe something is bothering him but he doesn't want to share?

Stress/depression/anxiety all cause memory loss, mood swings etc.

20-12-12, 17:58
You can get ointment for styes from the chemist x

20-12-12, 19:16
My Dad (60 next month) never has been able to remember what years my sister and I were born in without sitting and working it out, no matter how old he has been when he's tried! Also he has to ask my Mum for house numbers, telephone numbers, etc. etc.

20-12-12, 19:48
It must be a man thing then sorry any males out their lol! Although I'm sure their are women like it to but I can remember dates etc very easily haha x