View Full Version : Having to get Dr to husband

20-12-12, 09:36
I posted that he was ill with flu like symptoms and very bad cough, strted Monday well this morning he said I need the Dr, his chest is alot worse and he is worried he is developing pneumonia again. So Dr visiting around lunctime, at least I had no problem getting a home visit.

Just hope good dose of antibiotics will help, last time he got pneumonia about 10 years ago the anitbiotics weren't the right ones and he ended up unconscious and a hospital job which I really really don't want to have to endure again and last time it was just before xmas as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of that I can no longer drive due to being paritally sighted and have to rely on friends to get out of the house and do things which is very scary.

20-12-12, 09:37
I hope your husband gets well soon :hugs::hugs:

20-12-12, 15:45
Sending you hugs and hope your husband recovers soon. xxx :hugs: :hugs:

20-12-12, 17:46
I hope your husband is better soon! My dad had to see the doctor then go get x-rays today on his chest due to lung pain and coughing, he isn't a smoker so it sounds like there may be a lot of lung problems around! X

20-12-12, 23:15
Dr came and was here for about a minute!! he listened to his lungs and said yes I can hear it down here , then hummed and haaaad about antibtiotics then decided he would give him then so got presc for stardard dose amoxicillin. He is a bit of an odd Dr at best of times!! Husband said he has had a fever for past 3 days and his cough is truly evil, never heard anything like it before. Dr said lots of flu things around and bad chest but husband did not look like he was at deaths door! think this was meant to be reassuring.

My son and his pregnant wife have both got temps and feeling grim with runny noses and they live 30 miles away so no close contact with us.

So I am keeping everything crossed that antibiotics work and I don't get it either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!