View Full Version : dizzzy PLEASE HELP

20-12-12, 10:56
i cant deal with the constant dizzy feeling i get there must be something i can do i always feel like my head is heavy i start to sweat if im in public i no i wont faint but i just cant stop thinking about it i suffer with asthma could there be some weird link were im not breathing properly im only 19 dont wanna be stuck in my house forever :(

20-12-12, 18:11
The heavy head situation was one that I had all the time, It scared the crap out of me to be honest. I too am asthmatic. Mine went when I made some phsyical changes. Caffine and artifical sweetner i think was the cause of mine, add the panic feeling on top and the situation seemed worse than it is. After giving up caffine and the sweetner the heavy head went.. and considering the size of my head thats an achivment in itself!!!! So if you drink caffine, or drinks like coke zero, diet pepsi etc give them up for a couple of weeks, see if that makes a difference.. drink water only.

good luck dude