View Full Version : How would you take this? good or bad?

20-12-12, 11:06
Basically for those who dont know, i had terrible pains in my jaw i couldnt even touch it....so i put up with it for aslong as i could but eventually had to go to the doctors, i visited the doc who wasnt my regular doc and he told me he couldnt see anything wrong and it might just be something that flares up and then goes again.....a couple of days later the pain was getting worse so i made an out of hours appointment where the doc there told me i have an abscess, put me on antibiotics, the pain subsided and he told me to make an appointment with my dentist. So yesterday i went to the dentist who had a look and couldnt see a thing but did an xray just to be sure the xray showed nothing either. So is this good that they cant see anything or bad that they dont know what it is? Im feeling generally unwell to, sore throat, blocked nose and sneezing but this has only been the last few days.....your opinions are muchly appreciated! thank you guys! xx:hugs:

The antibiotics finish today, and i think im just worried if the pain comes back over christmas it will ruin my whole holiday season, A) because of the pain and b) because noone seems to know what is causing it :( xx

20-12-12, 11:13
Where abouts in your jaw is the pain?? TMJ problems ( the joint in front of your ear) can cause alot of pain in your jaw, usually the bottom jaw?? If the TM joint is causing problems then its usually a bit still or achy on opening your jaw wide.

Just a thought although I would have though your Dr would have already checked this.

The other thing is that if it was a few days betwen starting the antibtioics and going to the dentist then maybe any abcess had cleared although I would have expected the pain to have cleared as well??

Sorry can't be more helpful but as always if you get it again - off to the Docs with you.

20-12-12, 11:39
Did the dentist say anything about clenching teeth? That can give you a really sore jaw, so can being tense in general. You might be bitting your lip during the day and not really notice if you are anxious?

20-12-12, 12:04
Hi thank you for your replys! the pain was in my lower jaw sort of in between my chin and ear! i did think about clenching teeth etc but the pain was so bad i thought surely it couldnt be that! but then again with health anxiety i suppose the more you concentrate on a pain the worse the pain is! doctors and dentist have said if it happens next week just to go straight back to either one of them, they both now seem to think it was an infection in the gum like maybe a bit of food got trapped in between a tooth or something and it hadnt turned into an abscess because it hadnt reached the bone! i suppose only time will tell ( i am hoping it was just anxiety and my mind believing the pain was worse )

i just have it in my head that as soon as i stop the antibiotics i will start looking out for any twinge or pain etc, but when my mind is distracted there isnt much pain at all confusing huh! xx

20-12-12, 12:23
^^^^^ Your dentist would have spotted something if there was something wrong and the xray would have shown up an abcess. Do you have wisdom teeth in yet, if they are pushing through you can get pains along the tooth line.

Both my top ones are in but I still get pushing pains, not sure if they are fully through yet.

20-12-12, 12:28
i have a wisdom tooth up the top that side which has been coming through for a bout 5 years! every now and again it would hurt, but thats up the top :s also to add to this i have no molars on the bottom jaw (i had bad teeth as a child :( ) so thats why they thought it was an infection in the gum as there are no teeth to infect :s xx

20-12-12, 17:38
Hey, I have got a really bad jaw because of TMJ and it sounds like what you have got! It is not serious and not really treatable, but it is really painful!
Do you have normal range of motion in your jaw?
by the way, my dental x-rays were also normal (I fainted during them as I was so scared!) so I wouldn't worry.

20-12-12, 18:30
thanks for the reply put it this way if i try and stretch my jaw open it clicks and is painful feels like im stretching it to far even though i know im not (if that makes sense?) so its possible i guess! thank you :D xx

21-12-12, 00:01
That sounds exactly like mines! Mines started off clicky, then started getting frozen into position (lock jaw I guess) when eating - embarrasing and sore! Then my jaw began opening less and less, and got really sore. It is beginning to ease up a bit now, 6 month after it got really bad.

21-12-12, 00:44
I'd take it as good, but that's me looking at it from your point of view. If I was looking at it from my point of view as if it haqppened to me, I would worry.
The x-rays would have shown something sinister. I would take it as good.

21-12-12, 01:09
Thanks again everyone....and I know what you mean justinf I would probably say the same to someone else...its so easy to give adive but so hard to take your own....out of curiostiy why would you worry? I'm not worried anymore, more how comes noone agrees or knows what it is! Lol xx

21-12-12, 01:41
Thanks again everyone....and I know what you mean justinf I would probably say the same to someone else...its so easy to give adive but so hard to take your own....out of curiostiy why would you worry? I'm not worried anymore, more how comes noone agrees or knows what it is! Lol xx
I would worry because that's what I'm good at:yesyes:
Seriously, the x-ray would have shown something sinister.