View Full Version : Panic No Longer Matters

25-08-06, 09:48
Hi everyone I have reached the stage where panic no longer matters.My heart can beat fast my stomach can churn but it no longer affects me.I have been using the Claire Weekes method now for 4 months and I am no longer bluffed by panic.I have kept a success journal where I write down all the times where I have felt panicky but came through the situation by not adding second fear by practising the principles of Claire Weekes method.I have finally developed the right inner voice.This has given me the confidence to handle any situation whether I panic or not.I have faced and experienced panic so much and seen it for what it is a harmless physiological process.I just cant believe how far I have came.I dont think I will be on this site for much longer.I want to thank everyone for their support.And Id like to say to you all that it is possible to totally recover from anxiety.For me the Claire Weekes method was my saviour and I recommend it to everyone particulary the programme from panicfree.I am very lucky if I had never found Claire Weekes book in the book shop and the David Johnsons site on the internet I cant see how I would ever recover.

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

25-08-06, 11:47
hi noothmay

i am so glad you are recovered but are you on a commission from claire weeks or this guys site because there is not a week goes by that you are not promoting this.

sorry but its the same post every time

PS if only it was that easy to find a saviour in a book

........life is for living not just for surviving

polly daydream
25-08-06, 12:04
I was going to say the exact same thing but you said it for me Darkangel, it's just not that easy, I wish it was!!!

Good on you Noothmay if it is working for you.:D


25-08-06, 18:46
Hi darkangel and polly I didnt find Claire Weekes books that good either.But her method does work.Ive already told ye all I found a Claire Weekes counsellor in New Zealand and that I bought a programme of him and that I also get phone counselling of him.The Claire Weekes method works.Although the books arent that good.I recently bought the programme for Michael and its going to cure him.Follow his progress in the success forums.Since I bought the programme for him Ive told him that he has to buy it for some one.Im actually getting tired of telling people to get the programme.Im just trying to help ye all.I thoroughly believe that the programme will cure ye.But its your lives Ive done my part by trying to make ye all aware of it.I hope you all fully recover some day.Best of luck Jon

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

25-08-06, 21:59
I was glad to hear your news. I have ordered the book from Ebay and cant wait to get started on it - delighted for you and well done!

25-08-06, 22:15
well done
hope you keep it up, are you david johnson himself by any chance?

we are all stronger people after having this

25-08-06, 22:46

When you call for the phone counselling do you have to pay to call New Zealand?


26-08-06, 13:05
Hi Nicola ya you do have to pay to phone to New Zealand but David Johnson doesnt make any money out of it.He even rang me once.He really does have his own clinic where he treats people by using the Claire Weekes method.And everyone who he has seen has recovered fully.You can email or ring him if you want.

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

26-08-06, 13:08
Hi Missacorah the books are good but the programme is even better.I dont think id be recovering if I was using just the book.The books are a bit out of date.Also you have to buy a few of her books as they all contain additional information which you need to recover.Jon

"You have to live with fear to live without fear!"

26-08-06, 13:08
Hi Noothmay

Congratulations on your success. I've just bought the Claire Weekes books, so Ill give them a read and see how it goes

Take care

Clare :)

Obstacles are those horrible things you see when you take your mind off your goals (",)

28-08-06, 10:06
What does Claire Weeks say about a slow heartbeat? I notice that when I am really tense, my heart beats slower, but when I relax, the beat is more normal. I think she mentioned bradycardia. I really believe mine is stress induced,since my heart tests always come back normal and symptoms improve when I am less tense.
