View Full Version : Ladies please help

20-12-12, 14:40
Hi there I suffer very badly with anxiety however thought I was getting slightly better but now about 2 days before and during my period I get really unwell ie extremely dizzy exhausted,weak and just generally unwell the dizziness scares me so much any other ladies get this with period. I am not Anemic either so is it likely just to be heightened anxiety with my hormones ???

20-12-12, 14:46
I always had heightened anxiety symptoms during my period x

20-12-12, 14:55
I''m afraid hormones are responsible for alot of things and I'd say you probably are being affected by them. As it happens, the last few days i've been feeling a bit lightheaded & i've put that down to hormones, so hopefully that'll be reassuring for you. I also know it can be very draining too. The things we poor women suffer eh?