View Full Version : First few days on fluox.

20-12-12, 16:17
I got put on Fluoxetine on monday morning for severe depression, it's now day 4 and I'm just feeling rubbish. It's made me very nauseous, so going to college is even more impossible than it was with the depression, so all I've done is sit at home alone feeling crappy. I've been invited out by friends but I'm not allowed to drink and really don't feel up for sipping coke and pretending I'm happy.

I'm just wondering how much worse it's going to get? I've also been put on zopiclone for insomnia, so sleeping isn't an issue, but I haven't eaten in days and I just keep crying and feeling really down for no real reason.

With christmas coming I just want to be better and be able to eat some christmas dinner :(

20-12-12, 16:23
hi your not alone im on day 28 and to be honest the 1st few weeks r going to b ruff i lost 18lb in a month i always felt sick then bad head i also had really bad anxitey all i can say is hang in there ive been fine for few days .i feel bit panickey today tho .....it help me reading tho this forum alot of ppl r in the same boat:weep:

20-12-12, 18:24
Hi rainbow,
I am also on fluox (day10) & still feeling rubbish, they say it can take 6-8 weeks to have an effect, but there are some very successful posts on here if you want to read them as they give us beginners hope x

20-12-12, 19:32
Hi Rainbow, I totally understand how you feel, first weeks are the worst. Do you have any diazepam? Hugs xxx

22-12-12, 17:22
Hi guys

I've been on fluoxetine for 28 days now and have to say the bad side effects seem to have passed. I have the say the second week was the worst for me. I was having wave after wave of panic rushing through me at times which wasn't very nice but it eased off third week and I've not had any nasty effects this fourth week so hang in there.

Not sure I'm quite at the point where they have fully kicked in yet but hopefully not too long now.

Take care x

22-12-12, 17:44
Hi Arnie,
So good to hear that week 2 was your worst week, am on day 12 & this week i feel has been much worse than last. Cant wait for the week to be over. Did you have problems sleeping, if so when did it improve? xx

22-12-12, 17:51
I'm going through the exact same thing as you :( I feel your pain so bad. I take my medication before bed at about 9pm, and i'm that anxious and paranoid with constant waves of fear going throughout my body, that I really don't want to take another one! Regardless, I will take another one because I've heard amazing things about citolapram (I understand I'm on something different to you, but they're all SRRI's :) ) Right now, I'm literally convinced I'm schizophrenic.

22-12-12, 21:42
Day... 6? I've lost track of what day of the week it is. Sleeping's awful, even on zopiclone I'm still not sleeping. The worst thing currently is that things taste like chemicals. The air tastes like chemicals, and water tastes like poison, so I'm not drinking anywhere near as much water as I usually do, which I know is awful for me.
My moods seem to be going from REALLY happy, to REALLY down, one minute I'll be dancing around to christmas songs and laughing, then I'll be crying and considering suicide.
I've got some weird pills that stop me feeling sick left over from a bad kindey infection in the summer, so I'm able to eat with the aid of those. It's all very up and down. :(

Thank you all for your replies, hope you're all well. x

23-12-12, 15:13
Hi Stormy, no fortunately sleep isn't a major problem for me. I can fall asleep no problem at all. My only problem is I'm waking up early, usually about 4.30/5am. I do usually get up at 6am though anyway to take the mutts out but it's still annoying.

Having said my side effects had cleared might have been a bit premature.

No idea why but yesterday evening I started to feel panicky again with waves rushing through me. No obvious trigger I can think of. I still felt like this this morning as well so decided to have a diazepam to calm me down and it did the trick.

Had a bad day though all in. Went to the gym this morning for the first time in months as felling so good. Don't know if I over did it but my heart rate went through the roof and took ages to comeback down. This has really freaked me out but I took propranolol and another diazepam and it's eventually back to my normal resting rate but took 3 hours.

For me, these bad day blips are almost harder than having the symptoms daily because I love the symptom free days so much I get myself really down when I slip again.

24-12-12, 10:15
Hi Arnie,
Hope you are feeling a bit better today, I can imagine you get frustrated when you get a little blip after so many good days, but they are only blips & sure they will pass.
I like you used to go to the gym about 3 times a week, but since been on these tablets have lost the momentum & desire, hopefully once they kick in will get the urge to go again.
Have your mornings got any better? they seem so bad for me, shakes, heart racing, & nausea, I hate it. xx

27-12-12, 17:14
Hi Stormy

Hit and miss on mornings. Slept until 8am yesterday which is latest for months but up at 5am again today but i have been back at work today so don't know if my body is just used to this now.

The waves of panic are getting less and less. Still get them but they don't last as long except having pretty bad panic right now. Was doing really well but accidentally came across a post about a pulmonary embolism. I then made the big mistake of asking doctor google and got myself in a state that I could have this and that's why it's been overlooked by the doctors. I've forced myself to do some more rational research though and my symptoms don't match as my chest pains aren't worse when I breath in so false alarm but it's still set me off for the day and I've had to resort to a diazepam to try and calm down. Argh!