View Full Version : Very depressed

20-12-12, 16:25
I never post here as its usually anxiety I suffer from. Right now I feel depressed and I din't know why.

I got married in May and we've been living at my Mums whilst we wait to move. We finally move on the 28th and I'm dreading it! I'm an only child with a protective Mum and worry so much about her that I think I've developed a fear of loss! I have 3 friends who have lost their mums this year in quick succession so maybe thats it. I imagine its contributory.

That aside I just don't want Christmas, visits or anything.

I'm off to the docs tomorrow so we'll see what they say. I just feel like I don't want the responsibility of being married!!

20-12-12, 17:23
I just feel like I don't want the responsibility of being married!!
Welcome to our world :)

Just kidding married life is great, especially with a supportive partner, so I'm sure you'll adapt quickly. I went from living on my own for 13 years to living with someone (who became my wife) and it takes some getting used to, you won't have everything your own way any more :) You'll adapt quickly, the pleasures outway the sacrifices.

20-12-12, 21:33
think what your going through is normal really- I can remember the day after I got married and driving home to our new house and feeling home sick - its a time of adjustment - and you will adjust to the ups and downs that marriage brings - also just because your married it doesnt mean that you cant set aside some regular time with your mum - have some mother and daughter time together - good luck