View Full Version : I can't stop panacing! Norovirus!

20-12-12, 20:10
I cannot stop panacing! I feel like I'm going to die!

People on my Facebook in my area have updated their status saying they have the Noro, and now my sister is crying because she said she's feeling really unwell!! My town is VERY small, so YES OF COURSE I'M GOING TO GET IT. If it isn't me, it will be my parents because they never wash their hands after they've been out..

That virus is definitely after me! And it's not going to stop until it gets me!

Also, my parents are telling me they're getting sick of me, saying I'm being stupid, and that I'm close to being kicked out of the house!

I now feel sick myself..... OMG! I just don't want to live anymore..........

20-12-12, 21:02
Hi Rls1994,
You are not alone in your fear of the Norovirus.
There is concern by everyone, try to calm down panicking is not going to help.
I take basic precautions, wash my hands, wash fruit and vegetables, etc

22-12-12, 14:44
Time has come Rls, to begin focusing elsewhere. I know that there's all sorts of things in the press and on FB etc referring to the virus. But the more you highlight it in your mind, the worse your fear will get (as you clearly do recognise already). Even if your town is small that's no guarantee about getting it. It isnt after you, its just something that happens in life. You have to accept that & not let it take over. Average People will feel that the reactions of emetophobics are over the top but that's because they dont have the fear. What you need to do is focus your mind elsewhere & simply get on with life.
As you know from my posts, i have this fear but I know I have a life to lead. I dont like this time of year for many reasons, this being one of them. But it isnt going to make me live life like a hermit & I wont spend 24/7 thinking about it. I have other more important things to be getting on with. C'mon, distraction techniques...... :-)

10-04-15, 16:23
I hadn't had a bug for years and then i caught Norovirus off my mum at some point this week. It really isn't that bad. At least i've had far more severe bugs when i was a kid.

It began yesterday. Started getting sharp stabbing pains in the stomach, then achey/weak muscles all over. Then the nausea and headache came. Ate something in the evening and uncontrollably threw up ten minutes later (its that that confirmed it was noro). The worst bit is the constant diarrhea and having to keep about 4 litres of water and some dioralyte next to your bed just to keep hydrated.

Perhaps i've had a mild bout of it but its no way near as bad as people make out online.

10-04-15, 20:45
If your reaction to a common virus that isn't going to do you any long term harm is "OMG I just don't want to live anymore" then, with respect, you really do need to get some perspective.