View Full Version : Er, no: The "world won't end" thread

20-12-12, 21:43
Hi all,

I write this in a mixture of anger and dismay. Please don't think I am being insulting here, that is not my intention, but some people here need tough love. And I'm not being kinky.

I won't get into an extended list of reasons why the world is NOT going to end. Not only would it take the next two weeks and involve a level of super-science I am not familiar with; the most disappointing truth is that people will NOT bother reading it, because people will choose fear over hope every time.

That's why we become ill with anxiety. I'm willing to bet this is the case WITHOUT exception. Anxious illness comes when we lose control and allow fear to take the driving seat. We abandon logic and rationality because our fear seems so big and overwhelming.

In doing so, we sacrifice something of who we are. We sacrifice what we might become and live shadow-lives instead. We are, or have been, ghosts. Why does a ghost fear death?

Do we really fear death, or are we more afraid of being alive?

I've been a member of No More Panic for 3 years, and I have not lied to anyone here for any of that time. In this time I have seen people face up to truths that might seem terrible when they're half-glimpsed, but when you stand in front of them and make your hands into fists, fears back down. THAT is how to recover from anxiety - the hard way, the terrifying way, the way we all spent so long avoiding. PEOPLE HAVE DONE IT.

So now I hear the world is ending. How? Er... well, no-one knows. What does "the end of the world" mean? Presumably the destruction of the Earth, but refer back to the previous answer if you want specifics.

Maybe it's the aspergers in me, but I utterly fail to grasp the fear and uncertainty about this because it seems that there is no logical thought process and therefore no reason to come to these over-hyped, alarmist conclusions. Are we reporters for the tabloids, who make shit up to sell copies at the new price of 50p, or are we men and women - are we human beings?

So I cannot come up with any reasons WHY people would believe the world is ending, except to say we are behaving little better than pre-medieval peasants who scurry around whenever there is thunder because God is displeased.

If we want to recover, and live lives that will not be blighted by this illness again, it's time for people to start taking ownership of themselves. You have a choice. You can choose to cower in fear, or you can choose to live your life despite the fear yammering inside you.

For all the hardship you may face if you choose life, fate or God or whatever you believe in has given you this task. You can choose to believe there is no fate, in which case you must also disbelieve in the end of the world, but whether or not we are being guided by a greater power, YOU have reached the crisis point. YOUR decisions matter. YOU need to ask yourself whether you are up to the task of getting better.

There's no point me telling you that you can do this - to recover you've got to NEED to recover. You've got to want it so bad it becomes an almost tangible thing, like you can summon it just by willing it to be. If a part of you is on fire with the desire to recover, you don't need me or the forces of the universe behind you: you must make the choice to get better, and you must see this through no matter what comes next.

You CANNOT recover until you face the things you are afraid of. The "end of the world" is just an excuse for anxiety to take control once more.

For those who think I'm preaching: I took a look at my life and saw what anxiety had taken away. Then I bloody went and took it back, one piece at a time, even during the worst depressive and anxious blips, which I had to endure one day at a time, never giving up for one moment on my belief that I will get through this and I will one day live free. On a scale of 1-21, my anxiety scores came down from NINTEEN (one of the highest my therapist had ever seen) to NINE over this year.

So I chose life; I chose to master my fear, and not let fear take over, no matter what hell I had to get through in the early months.

If you follow my advice and stick to the plan through the worst your illness can throw at you, you will not really care about the doom-sayers. What power has some fear-monger got over someone who faced and mastered themselves? Our world has endured for billions of years and it will endure billions more, no matter what some lunatic says to sell a few books.

We do not have billions of years. We get one life. Live it.

A poem by Rudyard Kipling

IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a mason.

(The mis-print edition)

20-12-12, 22:05
A very well written and interesting post.

20-12-12, 22:09
I agree with Annie. Great post. :yesyes:

20-12-12, 22:12
Here, here! I'll drink to living one more day.

20-12-12, 22:13
Enjoyed reading your post, very informative, some bits really hit home (in a good way)

20-12-12, 22:15
Thanks everyone. Here is a quote from a friend on facebook:

" Pissing me off too, its the end of a calendar, thats it!!! Its like saying the worlds going to end, because my Kylie calendar finishes in 10 days :(

Ive spent a good few weeks in Mayan communities in southern mexico over the years and even they think its all a load of stupid rubbish, lol


20-12-12, 22:27
Great thread let's keep it going!
Our mind's are so used to being anxious that we can worry about anything however stupid. A lot of people are just getting caught up in the hysteria and the more they see it, the more they find themselves counting down with everyone else. I don't believe it but I'm tense too. Let's just have a laugh and relax guys! It's 9 am in Sydney right now!

20-12-12, 22:32
I will be going for my physiotherapy in the morning and spending the afternoon preparing for the arrival of my family on Saturday :)

20-12-12, 22:36
Thanks for writing this topic. I don't really believe that it will be the end of the world tomorrow. There have been so many of these scares in the past and they've all come to nothing, so it doesn't really bother me any more, even though it did scare me when I was younger. It's already the 21st of December in certain parts of the world anyway, and nothing has happened yet! :)

20-12-12, 22:38
Nice, glad to see people are responding. I actually feel quite tearful about this.

It proves that even in the face of prevailing ignorance, hope remains for us. Here is something I read in a Warhammer 40,000 parody called A Christmas Calgar:

“Marneus Cagar, a great battle is brewing. Humanity has lost sight of hope and reason. There is no goodwill; there is only war. If we are to change that, and prevent the Rhana Dhandra from happening in Earth’s back garden, we must cherish the spirit of Christmas.”

“Good luck promoting goodwill and Christmas cheer in this galaxy,” Calgar replied. “With terrors from the past re-awakening quicker than the Wraith from Stargate Atlantis and rebellions happening everywhere, as well as an extra-galactic threat… as if our galaxy didn’t have enough trouble, we are importing it as well!”

“Yes, that is what uncontrolled immigration does for you. We can change things, though. Or rather, you can. Hope exists whether we choose to see it or not. It exists independently of us; it is an idea, and as our relentless purges have proven, you cannot kill an idea. Hope does not die, as we do not truly die. We must make the galaxy see this, and reviving Christmas is how we will do it!”

Calgar massaged his throat. He could still feel the tip of Sabbat’s sword pressing against it.

“I am not entirely convinced,” said he, “that I am sane and everyone else has gone looney-tunes. You expect me to believe that I can bring about hope in this galaxy? There is less innovation here than in an iPhone. Like the iPhone, the Imperium has become a faded copy, but one is paid to keep it that way, for who knows what will happen should we change?”

“Fear.” Sabbat looked up at the moons. “Nothing but fear. I should be hearing jingle bells coming from up there, yet all I hear are your excuses. You are the Imperium’s greatest hero, Calgar. If you cannot do this, nobody can.”

“Nobody?” snorted Calgar. “I have been beyond the borders of life and death to the 21st Millennium, and here I stand conversing with a reincarnated Saint who can kill a Baneblade just by jabbing it with a sword. What have I got compared to that, apart from this rather breezy bedsheet?”

“We believe, Calgar. You do not. It is disbelief that you have. If you can change that, if you can find room in your heart for the Christmas spirit, then anyone can do it. The galaxy would not fall to Chaos."

20-12-12, 22:49
Very emotive text, especially the last few sentences. Thank you for sharing it.

20-12-12, 22:55
Well, I left out the bit where Calgar tells her he needs a poo, but I'm glad I got the message across despite this omission :roflmao:

20-12-12, 22:58
It better not end, I actully have plans! lol. I have an interview, then need to do some Christmas food shopping

20-12-12, 23:02
It better not end, I actully have plans! lol. I have an interview, then need to do some Christmas food shopping

I did mine today, payday. Spent about 70 quid on christmas crackers, biscuits for cheese, chocolates, advocaat etc.

20-12-12, 23:04
It better not end, I actully have plans! lol. I have an interview, then need to do some Christmas food shopping

Good luck with your interview! :D

I have exciting plans for tomorrow too - I'm going out for a meal with my work colleagues, and it's not yet another turkey meal either, we're going to an Indian restaurant! :)

20-12-12, 23:04
Lol, make sure you buy a big turkey. The biggest turkeys are not the morons who wrote books about the end of the world, but the people who bought them :P

Funny video to distract people with heart-bursting frustration, and some good laughs:

www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUNrhZPxDaI (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUNrhZPxDaI)

20-12-12, 23:07
I have ordered my turkey to be picked up on Christmas eve and have paid a deposit for it so the world can't end because I do not want to lose my deposit :)

20-12-12, 23:08
We're collecting our turkey on Sunday! :yesyes:

20-12-12, 23:10
We're getting ours on Saturday I think.... what day is it today again?! :)

20-12-12, 23:16
It's Thursday! But to me it seems more like a Friday, as it was my last day of work today until the new year! :)

---------- Post added at 23:16 ---------- Previous post was at 23:14 ----------

Is it just me or are the times on everyone's posts wrong!? Elle's last post says it was sent at 00.10 on 21.12.12!

There we've survived!

It looks like you've got your time settings wrong, if you go to Edit Options (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/profile.php?do=editoptions) you'll be able to select the correct time zone. :)

21-12-12, 11:42
thanks have sorted it! :)

21-12-12, 12:50
Well written post by Psychopoet. I'm not going to let a small thing like the end of the world prevent me from getting better.

21-12-12, 14:01
I found this on facebook todayhttp://https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/71603_10151196952514646_263576066_n.jpg

---------- Post added at 14:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:00 ----------


21-12-12, 14:26
well we are still here ... guess i still have to pay back my student loans. ugh!

21-12-12, 15:26
Student loans are such a pain, my kids are still paying theirs.

21-12-12, 15:39
Well written post by Psychopoet. I'm not going to let a small thing like the end of the world prevent me from getting better.

I like that attitude! :D

---------- Post added at 15:39 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

I just showed my stepdad a headline on the local news website, which said "The end of the world is nigh!". I explained that it's because it's the 21st December 2012, but I said "I don't think it's going to happen!" Then my stepdad laughed and said "No, of course it's not going to happen!" :D

21-12-12, 15:42
There are some excellent posts in this thread :D

Everyone who has taken this attitude has shown the courage and character to get better permanently. I genuinely pity those who are still posting in the "fear" threads, as they have shown none of the bravery, determination or strength of will.

One thing I am learning is that "you can't save them all". A pity some will remain trapped with their fear, but at least the rest of us can look ahead with hope and optimism, and know that for all its flaws, our world has nurtured and protected us and will continue to do so.

Congrats people, if who I am and what I have done means anything, I hope it helps you to know I am proud of you :)