View Full Version : Lots Of Tests Coming Up! I'm Frightened!

21-12-12, 00:23
Hello All :)

I've been agoraphobic and practically housebound since 2004.

This year I've started doing the CBT4PANIC and have been having success with it :)

The last few months I've had to have some tests done and a problem with my heart has been detected :scared10: Now we don't know exactly how much of a problem it is so I have to have lots more tests so we can get a clearer picture.

Oh my! it's like I'm confronting all of my worst fears at once :scared15:

Thankfully I don't suffer with health anxiety, but I do suffer from Hospital fears, I really cannot bare the places and usually do whatever it takes to stay right away from them :scared15:

I now have to undergo an MRI scan, a heart echocardiogram and a scan of the arteries in my neck :scared15: The MRI is on December 27th and I'm petrified of it :scared15: the other two tests are two weeks after that.

I'm studying my CBT4PANIC really hard but I just have no idea how to manage my anxiety whilst undergoing these tests :wacko: It's going to be one heck of a challenge for me :scared15:

I would be so grateful for any help and advice from anyone as to how to handle this situation the best way I can, I would also love to hear from Robin is he's about.

Many thanks all :) From one very frightened Auntie Moosie :scared10: :scared11:

21-12-12, 01:00
Awww sorry to hear this. Hospitals are not nice places - they still give me the creeps when I go back now!

What scares you about MRI can I ask?

I was meant to have one and couldn't go through with it but the doctor said if I need another one he will give me Diazepam to help but I am not sure it would lol.

Are any of the other tests worrying you to that we can reassure you with?

21-12-12, 02:40
I'm so sorry you have to have all these test done. I am always petrified to go any type of Doctor or hospital (white coat syndrome :weep:) I just want you to know you are not alone, and I will be here if you need someone to talk with. Do you have someone that will go with you when you get all your test done? (I always have to drag my husband :ohmy:) you will feel so much better when you get all your test done, and you know that you a fine. Good luck to you. I will be thinking of you. :hugs:

22-12-12, 01:12
Thank you Nicola and Panickyme it's very kind of you to answer me:)

Nicola the fear I have about the MRI is going in the thing:scared15:

It's only going to be a head scan so I'm not even sure how much of me will go in:unsure:

My consultant was a diamond and she did tell me the worst bit of it is the noise, will I be able to take one of my CD's with me to listen too while I'm in there?? I think I'll give the MRI unit a ring on Monday and ask them. Goodness knows if I'll be able to do it though, I'm planning on shutting my eyes as soon as I'm on the bed so that I don't see when I'm going in, then I'm not going to open them again till they tell me that I'm out!!!

I've had a look on youtube to see a scan being done just so that I could get a feel of things.......that machine looks very intimidating to me:wacko:

The other tests don't really worry me too much, it's more the results that are causing me anxiety but, then, I suppose that's the same for everyone really. The thing is, if I feel anxious I like to be able to be mobile, I don't know why, but it just makes me feel better, so having to lay there still for a while is going to prove challenging for me and I'm really not sure what CBT methods I can use which will make it any easier.

Then it's the whole thing of having to keep going up to the hospital, so I'm already going to be pretty anxious before I do anything else!!! lol

Sorry that you weren't able to go through with it Nicola, but don't feel bad hun, if you can't then you can't. I have some Diazepam here which is just to use for emergency's so I think I'll take it with me just in case, mine are only 2mgs though so really I doubt they'll touch the sides with me!!! lol

Panickyme I will be taking my partner with me for all the tests so I won't be on my own, the poor man goes through hell with me I think lol. I know exactly what you mean about the "white coat syndrome" I have it really bad, my blood pressure is always sky high when I'm in a hospital!! lol

Once again, thank you both, oh! and Nicola I will be taking my NMP ted with me, I hope they let me take him in the MRI with me:)

Hugs to you both :hugs::hugs:

22-12-12, 01:28
I am very claustrophobic and they tried 3 times to get me and I freaked and they had to take me out lol

I hear there are partially open scanners now but they are few and far between at specialist hospitals.

Loads on here have gone through it though - just not me lol

The echo scan is not so bad - it can be a bit painful cos they press so hard but it is fascinating to watch if you can.

Wishing you loads of luck with it all and yes Ted can go with you lol. You can do this ok. Just because I didn't doesn't mean you can't do it

22-12-12, 02:51
Thank you Nicola:)

Well time will tell whether I'm able to manage it or not, I really hope I can just to get the thing over and done with.

Thankfully I'm not too claustrophobic but I just don't like the idea of being in machinery.....plus, if I'm anxious it seems to magnify every sound in my ears....so goodness knows what this thing sounds like:unsure: I'm hoping they will play my 70's CD for me so that I can just imagine I'm anywhere else but there lol.

I guess with the echo they have to press pretty hard with the probe then? Do we lay down to have that done Nicola?? I will try and look at the screen if I can, must be interesting to see it all in action, it will depend how I'm feeling at the time really.


22-12-12, 06:36
Hi Auntie Moosie

I've just read your original post. I have been going through similar tests & although i have no fear of hospitals, i do have problems with touch & being undressed. Most of the time hospital staff are very sensitive to phobias, it would be worth contacting them & asking if you could go for a pre-scan visit, that might allay a few of your fears.

I had MRI scan & have to say it wasnt half as bad as i thought it would be, it was over very quickly & i didnt have much time to think about my worries.

I'm currently undergoing tests for my heart too, was told on thursday i need surgery. If you want to talk anytime we could share the experience & help each other.

Good luck on 27th, good you are taking your bear, hold on tight to him & you'll be fine.

---------- Post added at 06:36 ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 ----------

PS i had an echocardiogram on thursday, there is honestly nothing too it. I had to undress to waist & put gown on. Then lie on bed on left side while they attached 4 wire s on those sticky pads.

The scanner is then just moved across the heart area for about 10 minutes,then on left side under boob. After that she scanned my neck & stomach. It was all over in 20mins, no pain or discomfort.

22-12-12, 10:12
For me the worst part of going to hospital for any procedure is the waiting. Last time I went I phoned my consultants secretary and told her about my anxieties. As soon as I gave my name at reception they called for a nurse and took me straight through so that I did not have to wait in the waiting room. They had also told everyone I was seeing about my anxieties so they were all really supportive.
My son recently had a head scan and he said it was fine.

22-12-12, 11:42
Hello Auntie... I had an MRI scan in August.. I promise you they are not as bad as you think. And I was petrified!

I took a diazepam an hour before and explained my panic to the staff and they were fantastic... you will have a buzzer in your hand so that at any point you want to come out.. just buzz and your out in 2 seconds.. I had a practice run lol. They also allowed my partner in the room with with me and he had hold of my leg all the time just so I knew he was there :doh:.

I wish you the very best. If you have any more questions on what to expect re the MRI just let me know... Good Luck :hugs:x

22-12-12, 19:25
Aww thank you so much Annette, Annie and MissHDynamite :D

All of your posts have helped me. It makes life so tough sometimes when we're dealing with anxiety and panic, it seems to make doing anything doubly difficult:wacko:

Annette thank you for your kind offer hun. I'm sorry that you've just found out that you need surgery, that's what I'm hoping I don't need, but we'll have to see. I'm going to phone the MRI unit on Monday and have a chat with them, that will make me feel a little better. I will keep in touch and let you know what's happening and would love to hear what's happening for you too hun :)

Annie I'm the same hun, the build up to it is usually much worst than the thing itself, but I'm going to do the same as you and ring them before so that they can offer me a bit more support :)

MissHDynamite thank you for telling me about your MRI hun :) I hope I can have my partner in the room with me too, it's always comforting just to know that they're there:)

Thank you all so much, I will let you know how I get on :) :hugs: