View Full Version : NEVER thought I would say this...

21-12-12, 01:06
Hi all,

Ive suffered from HA, GAD and PD for about 2 years now, it steams from a faint at work and an accident I had while driving.

In a nutshell I fear death, but lately Im finding myself having suicidal thoughts. I dont know what to do. Im currently in therapy for the driving thingy but dont know if its too late to bring up how I feel recently? I have 2 sessions left on it.

I dont know what to do.

21-12-12, 01:12
I would bring it up hun, and you don't have to answer this but when you say suicidal thought do you mean the sort of thoughts where you think 'I wish I was dead' or thinking about how you would kill yourself? Xx

fozzy is crying
21-12-12, 01:15
Hi all,

Ive suffered from HA, GAD and PD for about 2 years now, it steams from a faint at work and an accident I had while driving.

In a nutshell I fear death, but lately Im finding myself having suicidal thoughts. I dont know what to do. Im currently in therapy for the driving thingy but dont know if its too late to bring up how I feel recently? I have 2 sessions left on it.

I dont know what to do.


I have had GAD and other mental health problems for decades. I have feared death all my life up to recently. Now I hope there is life after death as there is no life before death. :( and hope it happens soon.


21-12-12, 01:18
I would bring it up hun, and you don't have to answer this but when you say suicidal thought do you mean the sort of thoughts where you think 'I wish I was dead' or thinking about how you would kill yourself? Xx

Its a bit of both, I often imagine the less painful ways. I dont want to think like this, I dont want to die yet these thoughts consume me ATM

I dont think I can with 2 sessions left though, how can this be sorted in 2 sessions

fozzy is crying
21-12-12, 01:33
Its a bit of both, I often imagine the less painful ways. I dont want to think like this, I dont want to die yet these thoughts consume me ATM

I dont think I can with 2 sessions left though, how can this be sorted in 2 sessions

I am sure it can not. I have been denied any help for years.

21-12-12, 08:54
Hi Maxine,
Suicide is the ultimate escape route and when things get really bad a lot of us think that it would be favourable than continuing to suffer. I believe it is a common and natural response to chronic anxiety and depression but it is not OK and never acceptable to think about acting on these thoughts.

You've said you don't want to die, this indicates you want to get better, hence the therapy sessions. I would tell your therapist, it maybe that they'll just say that goes with the illness, ask you some questions about any thoughts of seriously harming yourself and assess your risk but more likely, they will either refer you back to your GP or offer you more sessions. Do not be concerned about the number of sessions you have had or can have - these are just a guideline, if you need more - you need more and that's it.

If you have any immediate plans to harm yourself, call a friend, the samaritans or go to a & e. If these thoughts continue please talk to someone, it is a taboo subject but a really common response to mental suffering - try to see it like that, another symptom of anxiety but something that will pass. You will get better and these thoughts will go.
Take Care

21-12-12, 11:44
I think you should mention this at your next therapy session. I know you only have 2 sessions left but maybe they will extend this if they know how you are feeling.

I looked at your posting history and you said you tried propranolol and citalopram in the past but that they made you worse. There are several other medications for anxiety/depression that may suit you better - it may be a good idea to mention this to your doctor and see what they recommend.

Sending hugs :hugs:

21-12-12, 23:41
I think you should mention this at your next therapy session. I know you only have 2 sessions left but maybe they will extend this if they know how you are feeling.

I looked at your posting history and you said you tried propranolol and citalopram in the past but that they made you worse. There are several other medications for anxiety/depression that may suit you better - it may be a good idea to mention this to your doctor and see what they recommend.

Sending hugs :hugs:

Yeah I have mentioned it to my doctor, I got to a point where I point blank refused to take anything because the side effects were awful, on the propranolol, I remember screaming at my sister to take me to A+E, I thought I was dying.

I dont know what to do, I know I should mention it to my therapist, but at the same time I feel I dont want to burden her and I dont want her to tell anyone else, I dont know if they have to? I know theyre trained to listen to this, but I also feel that she has her own life. Im just getting nowhere with it. Ive had almost 9 months of therapy now and feel ive got nowhere with it, ive got over the initial problems I went in with, but its still there. i dont know what to think anymore