View Full Version : wots the diff

21-12-12, 10:14
hi im on fluox 20mg which the doc gave me im on day 28 doing ok i went to see my mh nurse and she sed that citalopram mayby b better for me WOT IS THE DIFFERANCE IN THE 2 TABLETS:wacko:

21-12-12, 14:04
Leanne, they are both the same sort of drug SSRI, I would stick with The Flux for a bit longer, give it to 6 to 8 weeks as I am sure you will be feeling much much better by then.xxx

21-12-12, 14:53
That's true, they're both SSRIs.

But I've tried both, and there were vastly different side effects for me.

21-12-12, 16:06
thanks janine i am gona stick with it atleast till ive finished my 2nd box ..just wondering why everyone who i talk to apart from here r on cit ..hi mark wot worked better for you and do you suffer from anxiety.x