View Full Version : Pain behind eyes when moving them?

21-12-12, 11:43
I've woken up with a chesty cough, runny nose, and a throat full of mucus. This has been building up the last two or three days but I'm getting pain when I move my eyes to the left and right. Should I be concerned?

21-12-12, 12:07
Well, if it were me, with your symptoms, no I wouldn't give the eye pain a second thought. I get a similar pain on occasion just when my sinuses are slightly irritated.

21-12-12, 12:14
So it's most likely a sinus problem then?

21-12-12, 12:37
I have pain in my eyes when my sinuses flair up or have a cold x

21-12-12, 12:42
I have pain in my eyes when my sinuses flair up or have a cold x

I'm rarely ever ill so I was a little scared. My nose is runny and bunged up so possibly it's to do with that. Trouble is I think I must have a sinus/chest infection and I'm going up to Scotland with the family for a few days and I hear it's snowing like crazy. Now I'm just worried that it'll develop into Pnuemonia.

21-12-12, 13:19
I wouldn't worry too much about it becoming pneumonia, plenty of people get colds and coughs at this time of year! your sinuses are linked all about your eyes under your eyes on your cheeks and nose. so its not surprising to get pain around your eyes x

21-12-12, 15:47
The pain is behind my eyes. Not so much around them.

21-12-12, 22:29
Given your other symptoms, the likelihood is that it's all related.

If you really want to put your mind at rest visit your Optician for a Health Check. They can see if it's any problem affecting your eyes.

22-12-12, 06:26
Sinus! Take a hot shower or bath, it can really help with the headaches. I find it cleared my nose up a bit for a few hours.
Cups of hot water and inhale the steam, maybe add some Vics vapour into it.
You can buy tablets and nose spray to dry up the sinuses.
You can also find nose sprays made with salf water so you can flush your sinuses out yourself.

The sinuses run up your nose, cheeks, forehead and behind your eyes.
You might feel the pressure and pain.
I think that's what's happening with your eyes.

Most sinuses infections are viral and will clear up on the own.
Sounds like you've a cold along with it.
You may get a sore throat due to the sinuses dripping down the throat.
Your nose might get sore, or even bleed a tiny amount.
Last time I had a few sores inside my nose.
Those tissues you can buy with the balm in them can really help prevent the skin around the nose getting sore.