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View Full Version : I can't believe this..

21-12-12, 12:16
Okay so a few days ago I got an ulcer on the inside of my bottom lip, it's pretty big, about 3/4mm
I've never had one before and didn't know what it really was, apparently it's a canker sore, not an ulcer.
Anyway I got a lymph node (size of a pea) get really really painful under my jaw for about 3 days (pain has got better now) but the ulcer hasn't started to go, it's been 5 days.

So I wrote in "quick heal canker sore" on google and read some good stuff, then I saw it, someone said "I mistook cancer for a common canker sore"

Now I am really really panicking.
It grew literally 5 days ago and over night, surely cancer doesn't grow so quickly? plus it's stopped growing? The lymph node that got swollen was really tender which means virus/infection right?

I am so upset by this, I just want the ulcer to go and I'm worried my stress and anxiety will make it stay but I won't think it's that, I'll assume it's cancer!

ergh :(
I'm only 20, I shouldn't be worrying about so much cancer!

21-12-12, 12:23
You sound exactly like me a few months ago! My anxiety has clung onto different things now, but you just need to think rationally. It may not be wise, and it may not be quite cbt methods. But it is normal to worry about your health! Obviously not this much, or irrationally but it's normal

I had a spot on my nose that stayed for a few weeks and watched an interview on 'this morning' where a man had nose cancer. Now that might sound stupid to you, but I panicked for weeks and weeks until I realised that absolutely everything could be a symptom of cancer. Literally anything. There are so many horror stories out there about every single symptom being worse than it is, every food is apparently bad for your health etc.

Cancer can be cured! Obviously not all cancers, but it's not the end of the world, even if you did have it. Which I can assure you, you don't. You just need to stop googling. I know how difficult it is, health anxiety is like OCD. The thought of cancer, the compulsive checking etc.
I can guarantee you're going to be fine with a little cbt ! If you're worried, by all means, go to your doctors for reassurance! But just wait a few days, because I know it'll pass!

I'm 19, and I got so sick and tired of worrying ab

21-12-12, 12:33
Cancers can grow quickly but I very much doubt it would come on that fast!

If in doubt, get the doctor to check.

21-12-12, 20:32
I get mouth ulcers all the time, I have suffered from them my whole life. Is it sore? Mine usually hurt, as they are healing they get bigger and whiter then they gradually go away. Mine usually last five or six days. I get them when I am run down and often in the week before my period. Putting salt directly onto them hurts like crazy but I find it does help them to heal quicker.