View Full Version : Fatty liver changes...

Anxiety Jim
21-12-12, 12:25

I had an ultrasound scan on Monday because I've been having stomach pains for about 5 or 6 months now. I got the results of the scan today, they said that my kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas all looked fine, but that my liver has some fatty changes.

I should have known I already had that weighing 24 stone, but still, hearing it from the doctor was scary. Does anyone know if this can be reversed or fixed somehow? It's a really bad time of the year to suddenly go onto a drastic low fat diet, but I guess I have no choice. I'm thinking of eating healthier and also combining that with the 5:2 diet.

I'm still worried about stomach cancer though. The ultrasound doesn't look at the stomach... so I don't know if I should ask for an endoscopy in the new year? What do people think?

21-12-12, 12:32

I had an ultrasound scan on Monday because I've been having stomach pains for about 5 or 6 months now. I got the results of the scan today, they said that my kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, and pancreas all looked fine, but that my liver has some fatty changes.

I should have known I already had that weighing 24 stone, but still, hearing it from the doctor was scary. Does anyone know if this can be reversed or fixed somehow? It's a really bad time of the year to suddenly go onto a drastic low fat diet, but I guess I have no choice. I'm thinking of eating healthier and also combining that with the 5:2 diet.

I'm still worried about stomach cancer though. The ultrasound doesn't look at the stomach... so I don't know if I should ask for an endoscopy in the new year? What do people think?

You liver is the the one organ that can repair itself so the changes you make now won't only just help but any small damage that has been done so far can be reversed. You might think its a bad time of year to start but why not now, everything in moderation and a couple of 'off' days are fine.

21-12-12, 15:29
I agree with Colin,

The human liver is a hardy thing! Enjoy Christmas and make healthy living your new years resolution! "Everything in moderation" as Colin said and a bit of exercise you will feel the benefits for sure!

As for further tests, personally i wouldn't put myself forward for these tests if the doctor wasn't concerned, i think trusting what your Doc says is hard but a big step when overcoming HA.

But you know your body best and ultimately its your decision.

Just enjoy your Christmas!

21-12-12, 15:30
As previous post mentioned your liver can repair and regenerate and exercise and a healthier diet can sometimes help, with fatty liver.I know you were very concerned about your pancreas a few months ago and I would take heart that your ultrasound was fine. Does your GP think an endoscopy is necessary?

Anxiety Jim
21-12-12, 18:07
Does your GP think an endoscopy is necessary?

I don't think so, the GP I saw today just told me to keep taking antacids for the pain in my stomach.

All my blood tests over the last few months have came back normal (except for low calcium, low vitamin D, and slightly high plasma viscosity.)

Now that my ultrasound came back OK, mostly I was worried about my stomach and pancreas. I'm glad my pancreas is OK, but I'm still worried about my stomach.

Has anyone tried the 5:2 diet? I'm thinking of starting it. There was a Horizon episode on in over the summer.

Thanks everyone.

21-12-12, 18:21

I had tests performed and they came back with having a fatty liver.

I went on a diet and lost some weight and then blood tests showed my liver became less fatty and became normal etc.


Anxiety Jim
21-12-12, 18:30

I had tests performed and they came back with having a fatty liver.

I went on a diet and lost some weight and then blood tests showed my liver became less fatty and became normal etc.


That's good to know. And well done for getting healthier.