View Full Version : 7 things to give up to end anxiety

21-12-12, 17:31
I copied this from an email sent to me from another site

I know you are so busy right now in the
run up to Christmas but this should help you
over the holidays with anxiety, so I wanted
to send it today.

Sometimes the fastest healing with an anxiety
problem happens when we learn to stop doing
something rather than start doing something.

For example when we learn to stop resisting
the anxious thoughts and feelings, we can
dramatically reduce the intensity of the anxiety
we feel.

Here are 7 things to GIVE UP in order to end anxiety.

1. Give up your resistance to the anxious bodily sensations you feel.
(Allow them to be present through acceptance)

3. Give up the thoughts that say 'I cant handle this'.
(You can, -your body can. )

4. Give up thinking there is something mentally wrong with you.
(Anxiety is the result of an over sensitized nervous system)

4. Give up your need to micro-manage your body.
(Your body is amazing -trust it to do its job)

5. Give up being so hard on yourself.
(You are doing so well for dealing with this -you are truly brave)

6. Give up seeing anxiety as a curse.
(You will grow stronger as a result of this)

7. Give up thinking your anxiety will last forever.
(It wont)

So think about the above over the holidays and please make
sure to also take time out and look after yourself. (You can't be
there for them if you are not there for yourself)

Have a wonderful Christmas!

21-12-12, 17:56
Brilliant post Annie :)

21-12-12, 18:04
Thank you Annie, a lovely post and all so true x

21-12-12, 18:14
My Physio was actually speaking to me about number 4 a few weeks ago. He was explaining that because I have anxiety it means my nervous system is over sensitized and that is why I am feeling more pain in my foot than a 'normal' person would.

21-12-12, 18:24
Interesting post Annie , now I just need to put it into practice :hugs:

21-12-12, 19:01
Fantastic post Annie, thanks :D xx

21-12-12, 19:25
That pretty much covers the important points, excellent post! All of the points deal with our thoughts. Our thoughts create the anxiety, not the other way around. If you think confidently and trust yourself, it is amazing how many little problems are suddenly solved.

In fact, it's possible to clear so many problems that you need to learn how to live without them. But that's another topic :)

21-12-12, 19:46
Sounds so easy :blush:

Good advice Annie, might jot them down and stick them on my fridge as a reminder. I hope you too Annie and everyone else on here, have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas. :hugs:

21-12-12, 19:50
Sounds so easy :blush:

Good advice Annie, might jot them down and stick them on my fridge as a reminder. I hope you too Annie and everyone else on here, have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas. :hugs:

You too MissH and I hope we all have a better and less anxious New Year :)

21-12-12, 20:03
I will drink to that! :yesyes: x

22-12-12, 15:04
Great post Annie .

I was going to post a new thread on some new symptoms which I have recently developed but after reading your post I changed my mind and take the opportunity to add them hear while at the same time practicing your advice .

I am positive these new symptoms are a result of winter which seems to change me and a new job which I hate ( security guard with outside work including searching staff which I dread).

symptoms : tingling/stinging sharp pain all over abdomen but moves around, pain in any muscle , can be arms one day and leg/s the next , shooting groin pains , head zaps ,painful ribs , cramps in back muscles, sudden pain in fingers/toes lasting very briefly . i have noticed myself scrunching my tummy muscles up and in when im working and can be doing this for many hours a day without being conscious of it . Of course with me having a history of health anx ive been worrying its this or that , you know what were like .


have a peaceful Christmas all

22-12-12, 18:46
A fantastic post Annie:D

I'm going to print that out so I have a constant reminder.

Thank you hun :D

23-12-12, 16:21
Great post Annie
Maybe I should stick this on my wall !:)

23-12-12, 16:39
Tamo it sounds like a mixture of anxiety and working in the cold. keep yourself wrapped up warm. hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a much better New Year.