View Full Version : quivering sensation from the heart

25-08-06, 11:28
hi all, just panicked myself again..was laid back watching tv when i felt a quivering feeling in my heart, like a flutter..but made me sit up and hand went straight on my heart to check it, there was a long pause then stared beating fast followed by a big ectopic a few moments later....
what are these quivering feelings..i always get it more when laid down... are these double ectopics? im trying so hard with this cos my big fear is something is up with my heart..even though i have had the tests....
i just want to sit and cry today (premenstrual which doesnt help)..but i cant cope anymore, the more i get these weird feelings in my chest the more i think my times up...i cant stop thinking there is something wrong
thanks for reading

polly daydream
25-08-06, 11:54
Hi sweet, try not to worry, you say you have had the tests so if there was a problem it would have been found. I get exactly the same everyday and have been told by a specialist that there is nothing wrong. Most people apparently experience these sometime in there lives, even athletes. You say you are premenstrual, hormones are known to make the eptopics worse.

Take care,


25-08-06, 12:07

Hopefully it will reassure you to know that I get these, too. Feels kinda like an electric shock has 'restarted' your heart cos theres such a thump! It is frightening, I do understand.

Take care,


25-08-06, 12:20
thanks for those replies...the thing is when i came away from seeing the cardiologist a few months ago, i didnt believe him!..i got it into my head he was keeping something from me as he knew about the anxiety and panics i have, and didnt want to make me worry even more....
another thing he told me was i had a heart murmur-benign though.....
but the first thing i did when i got home was google murmurs!!!!

i have put having a brain tumour out of my head, as i was convinced i had one of those-even had MRI.........so why cant i forget about my heart???

stupid me has been googling ectopics this morning and actually majority of the pages say they are harmless....but when accompanied by other symptoms i.e the anxiety ones- dizzyness,breathless, chest pains etc
then they can be more worrying......oh im a total wreck now....
i think you are right polly being premenstrual isnt helping.....

polly daydream
25-08-06, 17:26
You must stop googleing as you will only get yourself in more of a state, your heart is fine, the more you worry the more eptopics you will have, as stress can bring them on.

Take care,


25-08-06, 19:05
I get exactly the same symptoms as you and also, just like you find it hard to stop worrying about them. I'm still waiting for the results of my 24hr monitor because my doc went on hols before dictating the letter and all his secretary could tell me was he wants to see me again in out-patients. That totally freaked me out because when I had one done before I didn't have to go back for the results, it was a different hospital though!
Anyway, as you have had all your tests and results, you just have to try to accept that everything is ok, but how hard is that!
I'm here if you need to talk.
Take care, Linda.x

25-08-06, 19:28

i get this sometimes it feels unlike an ectopic i think it may be two or three at once then panic sets in and then i get the usual ectopics(big thud in chest)mine dose happen more when im laid down not sure why i had all the ecg,s done they came back fine .
i to get them more when its coming up to that time of the month