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21-12-12, 19:09
I feel so dumb for saying this lol
But isit okay for us to trust our doctors more then google?

People on google say that lymph nodes moving as a single unit is normally a sign of cancer.
My Doctor said where lymph nodes are joined naturally, you can move one and the other will move with it, it's normal.

People on google also say if you can feel lot's of nodes around the same sort of area then that is a sign of cancer.
But my dr said it's not..

Why do these people say that their doctors say "this isn't right and neither is this" but my Dr tells me all of this is completely okay?

I trust him, but why is everything ddifferent on google lol I feel like everything I have now I have to trust google, not my dr!

21-12-12, 19:09
It depends on what sites you are using to get this information??

21-12-12, 19:11
Mainly Yahoo lol!

21-12-12, 19:53
I think I would trust my doctor rather than the Yahoo answers.

21-12-12, 19:58
Yahoo answers is a horrible horrible nasty place, the thought gives me CHILLS lmao

21-12-12, 20:01
Don't go on it any more! :D

21-12-12, 20:19
Put it this way: have Google or Yahoo committed (physically and financially) to ten years of fundamental training in order to dispense general practice medical advice? :)

21-12-12, 21:33
It certainly depends on the sites you visit. Personally I would only trust them in this order: BMA / BMJ (official), NHS choices, Boots Web MD, Netdoctor, Patient.co.uk.

Your GP should certainly listen to you if you tell him what you've found, and hopefully put your mind at rest.

22-12-12, 10:26
I suppose it depends on what I'm looking for.
Remember when I feel something in my neck and assume it's a lump of 3cm, I write that in, my Dr felt it and said no it's 1cm lmao

So I guess it's not the internet that's bad, it's just it tells me something (lump in neck is cancer) I feel for lumps, find them and BAM! :P

22-12-12, 19:37
I don't allow myself to Dr Google:lac:

Thankfully I don't suffer with health anxiety but, as has already been said, it very much depends on where you go looking, you will find that many different sites will give you many different answers, then, which one do you believe?? When was the article written?? is it up to date?? is it the same treatment world wide?? In my opinion it gives you more questions than answers!

A few things to remember are that Dr Google cannot see you, hear you or examine you, he will just throw wild guesses and loads of facts and figures at you, half of which we wont understand because we're not doctors!! lol

So to sum up.......I'm with Elle 120%!!........your doctor is a highly trained professional, they will know what they're looking for and will be able to tell you everything you need to know and then, if you're not satisfied, you always have the option of another opinion.

So in a nutshell, I say always go see your doctor :D

23-12-12, 00:05
I think I would trust my doctor rather than the Yahoo answers.
I would trust medical advice from my dog before I trusted anything on yahoo.