View Full Version : TV Character confusion - Is this something to be scared about?

21-12-12, 19:56
Hi all,

This is hard to explain, but here goes,
Something just suddenly came to mind, and was thinking about it all last night,
I was thinking about a tv character, and the actor, for example, Jackie Chan and his character Lee on Rush Hour,

In my head I know its just the 1 person playing another person,
but my anxious self, think I dont know the difference between them,
for example
Lee and Jackie chan are 2 different people, when they are just the one,

god I hope that makes sense,
is it just the anxiety messing with my mind?
i hope so,

I'm not on any meds at the moment, and this happen suddenly, and cant get it out my head,
i hope its not anything serious,
need some reassurance please,

21-12-12, 21:42
The thing is, people without anxiety / depression / panic....the exact thing that happened to you, they would think nothing of it. A glitch, absent-minded, whatever.

But we worry about the little things. I'm confident that anxiety is messing with your mind my friend.

Luckily I have an understanding wife, who says, yes that happens to me all the time, when my brain plays tricks on me.

Nothing deep to be read into it IMHO.

21-12-12, 22:19
Yep kind of get this, I'm working with a women from France and ive only known her for a month but, she looks like , in fact very similar to ~ one of the teaching assistants at my sons nursery! The nursery one is American & my colleague is French but, despite different personalities and accents, I sometimes can't remember (when i talk to hubby about work) exactly what she looks like and the face on my sons nursery assistant, pops into my head instead??? Like there the same person because they look alike, weirdly worrying, I start thinking harder of what my collegue looks like & I get stressed thinking I'm beginning to loose my memory! :wacko: