View Full Version : Citalopram Y/N

21-12-12, 20:29
i started yesterday taking 10 mg citalopram tonight after second dose i feel absolutely terrible, today i had sweats mood swings and now very low this evening,i don't now if its the medicine or just an anxiety attack again. I have taken citalopram before and i know it can have these side effects and it must be that as i took one hour ago and i am miserable. I started on a low dose of 10 mg to avoid severe side effects what a crap week! first stomach bug and then finishing with this , bloody insomnia inbetween to add to the mix.
This can be such a battle anxiety and depression, 43 and still dealing with this s**t.
Any suggestions out there i do not want to obsess too much about and i will get through this i am determined should i stop the citalopram or try taking it another time of day.
I am going to have a hot shower .
A christmas survival guide would be helpful too!:scared15:

This forum has been great so far thanks for sharing.

21-12-12, 22:38
We take meds because we feel rough and the first effect is they make us feel worse - it's not fair. But if you stick it out for a couple of weeks you may feel a lot better. I don't have any magic tips I'm afraid, you just got to get through each day the best you can. I wish you all the best.


21-12-12, 22:42
Strangely enough, my first 2 days on Pregabalin gave me a "mild euphoria", a common side-effect. It was nice :)

That said, Fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram all made me feel really ill.

Mirtazapine and Trazodone, worst side-effect was drowsiness / sedation.

I think the SSRIs are certainly worst for adverse side-effects.

21-12-12, 23:23
I'm on my second day of cit! Just took my dose 2 hours ago. I think I'm having a placebo effect of anxiety- feeling less anxious etc. but I am still worrying, it seems my worries are focusing on mental things ! I've noticed that I have some stomach cramps, feel like i'm going to throw up quite a lot too! Just think positive :) x