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View Full Version : Physical symptons of HA?

21-12-12, 21:32
Does everyone feel the physical pains associated with HA?

For example, I know what a tension headache is but recently I've been getting sore heads like I'm dehydrated. Lasting a whole day, never take pain killers for them so just suffer it.

Same with body pains. Feels like my lungs are sore all the time, stomach is in turmoil, pains, twitches and very unsettled. Could be IBS but I've never been told if this is the case from a doctor. It's my lungs I feel are hurting, different from tension I'd say.

I'm tired all the time too, could just be looking after two demanding kids and a stressful FT job, but never seem to have any energy.

My other worry is my arm pits, can reall ache but why? Surely you can't get tension there? Not all the time but on occasions, keep checking for lumps but not sure if its normal what I'm feeling??

Anyone else feel similar pains?

21-12-12, 21:36
I will list mine - Numbness side of head, pain under ribs and stomach ache, pain in joints, twitching in muscles and eye, tingling feet and hands, pain left arm and collar bone.

21-12-12, 21:37
Yep, quite often.

In fact I went to the Doc last week about pain near armpit / left chest. He reckoned anxiety, or stomach acid (referred pain).

Strangely it's eased up so much since he said that, hardly had a twinge since. So I think a lot of aches and pains (although real) can be psychological in origin.

Also folk without anxiety might get the same pains as us, dismiss them immediately as nothing, and they just go away.

But we fear symptoms, that's HA I'm afraid.

21-12-12, 21:47
I'm really struggling right now. Completely down with the pains, armpits, lungs and sore heads are really getting me down.

Try to dismiss it but its so hard when you feel in pain.

21-12-12, 21:50
I'll list my common ones (from the last few weeks too).

Pain left side of chest / underarm (see Doctor)
Hand tremors (could be medication though)
"Buzzing" / tingling foot
Bowel pain (I won't go into detail)
Tension headaches
Neck and shoulder pain

In fact I'm doing quite well recently, usually have more than that :)

22-12-12, 03:02

I'm always having physical symptoms connected to my anxiety and earlier this year I was seeing my doctor 3-4 times a week and he'd always say the same thing to me, "There isn't a single thing that anxiety can't make you feel."
It's true.
Every time you feel physically run down by it, take a few deep breaths, sit down and have a cold glass of water.

I hope the new year is much happier for you.

22-12-12, 05:36
I particularly suffer with night sweats, pain under the arm pits, tension and pain in the neck, shoulders and jaw and pins and needles.

22-12-12, 22:52
Itching (hives), cough, night sweats and the feeling like I have something stuck in the back of my throat (tickle/itch).

Those are mine. I have convinced myself over and over that they can't be stress related but my GP is convinced they are.
