View Full Version : Im losing control of myself....help

21-12-12, 22:29
Im new here, but not new to health anxiety. Ive struggled with this for about 10 years, and while the last few years have been (on the whole) a bit better, this past month has sent me into a tailspin and I am at the end of my coping abilities.

Its started with me...I had a few health worries this month which Im sure some of you can relate to, how one initial thing turns into one after another. You're constantly checking how you're feeling and when one worrying symptom goes away you find another to replace it. So Ive been stressed most of this month pretty badly, Im still worried about me but as usual my REALLY severe worries are about my family. My mom has had a doctors appointment and they say her white blood cells are low and are sending her to a specialist. And Im losing it, Im crying and shaking and feel sick and have no appetite. Goodness knows Ive been down this road before with family appointments for lumps and scans - I know these feelings of panic and fear all too well, but each time it feels like its getting harder and harder to cope with and I just dont know what to do anymore. Ive tried drinking, Ive tried sleeping pills, Ive thought about seeing a therapist but I dont know if there is anything a psychologist could tell me that would take away the fears and anxious thoughts. My heart races all day, I already have problems with palpitations and Im scared compounded with everything else that Im going to give myself a heart attack or something because my stress level is astronomical.

21-12-12, 22:40
Firstly welcome to the forum, but sorry you're ill enough to have to look for us.

Secondly, drink and sleeping tablets will IMHO only make matters worse.

Therapy (CBT) may help, but that's more of a long-term solution.

You need to see your GP/family Doctor and discuss it with them. If you're willing to take medication, there are many options available in the short-term, to help while you seek counselling / therapy.

You have health anxiety, and as much as we can tell you not to, you will worry. But anxiety however prolonged, can't cause a heart-attack in a healthy individual.