View Full Version : Need some support....

22-12-12, 09:01
Hey everyone,

I'm struggling really badly at the moment p, trying to keep my head above water. I suffer from GAD and can't seem to keep it under control right now (not that I ever really have done). The panic attacks are constant, they've been going on for 2 days now and I am so exhausted. I just want it to end.

My poor partner is having to sleep on the sofa because it's particularly bad at night and I feel terrible making him do that. He's not getting much sleep either.

I feel utterly depressed and alone. I'm dreading xmas because, even though they are lovely, my whole family want to come round and I just can't deal with it. When I get like this, I can't bear to have anyone around me because it just makes it ten times worse.

I feel like I'm in a living hell.

22-12-12, 09:55
Hi Caramel,
If you are not on meds I suggest that you consider them. There are loads out there and some will most certainly help you. Duloxetine works for me and I ain't never coming off it. I wish you all the best.


22-12-12, 10:35
Caramel I am so sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment. I have been getting really anxious about having family on Christmas day too but if it gets too much for me I will hide away in my bedroom for a while. My husband and 2 sons have said they will cook the dinner. I wish there was something I could say to help you but I know how hard it is when you are so anxious. High anxiety really does exhaust you and I suggest you just do as little as possible and rest watching a movie or TV. I really hope you start feeling better soon and are able to enjoy Christmas. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

22-12-12, 11:08
To everyone who reads this post.
I feel for you all who are anxious, I am like that too at this time of year- more so.
I just wanted to send :hugs::hugs::hugs:to you all.
Just keeping going-------
Take Carexx

22-12-12, 22:54
Thanks guys xxxxx Your kind words help xxxxx:hugs:

Baggs, I have been a sufferer for as long as I can remember and have taken different meds over the years. While they may work in the short term, they aren't the answer. I'm hopefully getting CBT in the New Year, fingers crossed it will help.

22-12-12, 23:00
Take deep breaths and keep telling yourself it's just adrenaline, it can't hurt you.

23-12-12, 10:42
Feeling even worse today, can't stop crying, my partner's gone out pissed off with me, just want it all to stop

23-12-12, 20:27
Hey Caramel,

Sorry you're having a bad day, I think a lot of people are struggling around this time of year (I know I am!) so you're definitely not alone. Do you feel any better since you posted earlier?

23-12-12, 20:31
A little, thank you lost2010. :)How are you? Xxxx
Dreading tomorrow-the whole family is descending :ohmy: when I get really bad, I can't bear anyone around me and just need to shut myself away. Going to be very stressful :weep:

23-12-12, 20:33
Caremel, really sorry you are feeling worse today, it's so awful when it gets so bad you can't stop crying. Do you have any diazepam that you can take to give you some relief? Just want to send you lots of hugs :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

---------- Post added at 20:33 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

Same here, Caramel, My 2 son's are home, my son's wife and tomorrow my daughter in laws sister and her husband and kids will get here then another 4 or 5 on Christmas day!

23-12-12, 20:35
Hi Annie-no I've only got the venlafaxine I take which doesn't work anyway :(
Thank you for the lovely hugs-it's great to know there are others out there who nderstand xxxxx

23-12-12, 20:56
Hi Caramel, I know where you are coming from, worrying so much about having family visit. Can't cope with the stress of it all. Sending you hugs :hugs: :hugs:

23-12-12, 20:59
im having a crap time too, it sucks this anxiety lark and sure does make us feel so so alone.
I live alone and am feeling very lonesome tonight, i have a boyfriend but hes too busy all the time and ive hardly seen him this weekend...we cant win sometimes.
goood luck, i hope you manage to find some comfort or peace from the hell of the anx.
there is always someone on here and it does help to feel understood, bless you,
love from ruby

23-12-12, 21:07
You guys are so lovely xxx thank you to all of you :) I hope that all of you can also find a way to get through the next few days. :hugs: I know we all wish we could just snap our fingers and make this hell stop. Xxxx

23-12-12, 21:11
If we all end up having to hide away in our bedrooms on Christmas day we will have to meet here for a chat :) xx

23-12-12, 21:16
I'm definitely up for that! :) xxxx

23-12-12, 21:43
So will I, but have to go to my mums at 4 and she's no internet, but will defo be on here in the morning x

23-12-12, 22:04
I am really sorry to hear that you are feeling so bad. This is a time of year when I think most people feel totally stressed, even if they do not suffer from GAD, depression or anything else.
Do not beat yourself up about feeling so bad as that will only add to how bad you are feeling. You will only put even more pressure on yourself.
If you can and I do appreciate it is not easy...take some time out for yourself...a walk, even if it is raining..something that is quiet and calm. (have you tried meditation?) Give yourself some breathing space and then if/when you feel up to it, contact your family, have a quiet discussion with them and just let them know that you are not really up for having many visitors, but that once you feel a bit better you will have them round (in smaller groups and when you want) even just for a cuppa and a chat. Your family should be able to respect that and leave you to have your Christmas time to do whatever you want.
This is a time to make the right decision for yourself. Once you have talked to them and explained how you feel, it will maybe feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you may actually be able to relax to a certain extent to then at least have a quiter, calmer and happier time for you and your partner.
Ask yourself a question....what do I need to do to help me not feel as bad as this about the family coming round? If the answer is...to tell them not to come, well maybe that is what you need to do.
I hope you do not think that I am nagging you, forcing you to do things that you are not comfortable with...I do not mean it to be like that. I know how you are feeling, I have been there...!
I actually just took some quiet time to calmly think about what the actual problem was...thought about what supportive advice I would give to a friend if they told me that they were having the exact same problem...and then I put it into practice for myself.
Once I started to do that with a few things in my life...I started to feel stronger and it actually helped my family realise that I do have a right to make my own decisions and that I wasn't making them to hurt or upset anyone, but if I didn't make them, then they had a really negative effect on me, which then had negative effects on my friends and family around me.
You need to look after yourself and sometimes that means 'putting other's people's noses out of joint' They will get over it, forget it and move on.
All this stress is not doing you any good at all.
I am not professing to be an expert but I know exactly how you feel and just want to try to help...not cause you any more stress.
All the very best my friend....now is the time to make decisions that are right for you and in turn that will help your partner as he will see a calmer you.
You have a right to be calm, happy and contented and without being nasty or conciouslly going out to hurt someone...you owe it to yourself to look after YOU.
Maisie12 :bighug1:

24-12-12, 11:59
Thanks Maisie, I'm going to try and do that, but my mum (while brilliantly supportive and understanding) gets a real bee in her bonnet about xmas-none of us have ever really got why!

Things are even worse today :weep: can't even make myself eat breakfast, which isn't like me at all. Keep crying, waves of panic.

Sorry, feel like all I do is moan!

You guys are the best xxxxxxxxxx

---------- Post added at 11:59 ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 ----------

Well have made the call and put my family off until after xmas and all the madness :( feel like a terrible person right now....

27-12-12, 19:09
Well done!!! You made the right decision..FOR YOU! So don't feel bad about it. If you don't look after yourself..who else will?
It is not being selfish...just what you need to do right now and then when you do see them, it will hopefully be better for everyone because you are in a 'better place'
So proud of you...well done! :D