View Full Version : giving up

22-12-12, 11:54
I think I give up fighting this. I give up fighting everything. I just want to lay down in my bed and curl up and forget the world exists for a bit. I feel totally hopeless. nothing I do will ever change this. I got referred to a Psychiatrist, who put me on meds, that make me worse, so i can't take them, I can take any meds for that reason. So I am being referred back to IAPT who will undoubtedly refer me on to CBT which doesn't work. This cycle has been going on for 6 years! Surely by now they would see that I need something different from meds or CBT? Why can't they see it? Why should I have to fight so hard? I can't any more. I will just accept this is my life and maybe then I will begin to feel more at ease, as every day won't be a constant fight, I will just give into my depression or anxiety and let it takes it course. No more fighting, no more struggling. I choose to just accept it :(


22-12-12, 12:15
You are right in one way saying the more we fight it the harder it gets and that yes we should just accept it, I think that is the starting process to recovery. I don't know what triggered your anxiety or if there was a trigger. For me it is mainly due to things that happened in my past. I have been for counseling and CBT but it still comes back. I was again referred for CBT and the Psychologist said that is not what I need, I already know it. I have now been referred for intense psychotherapy and I really hope that this will work for me. Acceptance is the first key though. If other things have not worked in the past..don't give up because something will you may have to ask your doctor about other therapies to help you. Sending you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

22-12-12, 12:47
Dont give up its the illness making you feel like this.
What meds have you tried ??

22-12-12, 12:57
Dont give up. I have general anxiety and for ages nothing seemed to work, but there are lots more things to try, reiki, hypnotherapy, herbal, even a new direction in the meds might work this time. Hang in there.

22-12-12, 19:02
Hello Samm:)

I have been where you are so many times in my life, even now, I get days when I just want to give up and go lay in my bed and shut the world out.

It's because of your depression hun, it's like our minds can't cope so we just want to "shut down" for a while.

Like Annie, I've been on this roller coaster for a long time, most of my problems coming from things that happened in my past. I've had psychotherapy, which I found extremely helpful, medication, which I've too found helpful and I'm currently doing CBT which I'm making slow but steady progress with.

Hun please don't give up. Obviously the medication that you were put on didn't suit you, but there are loads of others, it's just a trial and error thing until they find the right one for you.

Annie is right in that learning to accept it is path of the way to recovery because once we accept it, we can then start to address it. When you say the medication is making you worse, how long are you staying on it for hun?? That's important because it's very usual for anti-depressants to make you feel worse before you feel better, it's just the side effects and your body and brain getting used to them, so you do need to hang in there for a while and see what happens.

I would advise you to go back to your psychiatrist and have them discuss with you all your options, because there will be one for you hun.

You're not on your own hun, we're all here for you so keep talking. Sending you hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: