View Full Version : Wisdom Tooth

22-12-12, 13:06
Hello all,

Just logged on for some advice. For the last few weeks i have had my wisdom tooth coming through, at the time it really hurt but now its fine, no pain.

But, if i rub around the area with my finger and smell it (weird) it smells funny, not a nice smell either.

Im guessing its some sort of infection coming from under the gum as there is some gum over the tooth still which i do brush under and hoping antibiotics will clear it up.

Ive got an appointment with the dentist booked for Monday as i want to sort it out before x-mas.

Anyone had anything like this? I hope all i need is antibiotics, i cant have any work done the day before christmas!!!! What about the food!!!

Cheers guys xx

22-12-12, 13:12
I had exactly the same issue with two of mine when they came through. The first one needed antibiotics and I ended up having it extracted in the end, the second one cleared with a mouthwash the dentist gave me.

Hope you're ok and don't need any work doing on Christmas Eve

22-12-12, 14:01
I had exactly the same issue with two of mine when they came through. The first one needed antibiotics and I ended up having it extracted in the end, the second one cleared with a mouthwash the dentist gave me.

Hope you're ok and don't need any work doing on Christmas Eve

Cheers for the reply Bernie,

Well i'm sure they wont just yank it out on Monday, surely they ask you to come back for the work you have to have done...

Hopefully it will just be antibiotics for now so i can enjoy all the food and drink...Maybe wait a few days until taking the antibiotics... hehe

Cheers mate! x

EDIT: I mean, I've never had the need to have any work done at the dentist which has been nice but i'm sure they look at your teeth first and invite you back if you are in need of any work, surely?

22-12-12, 14:14
No they won't remove it if it's showing any sign of infection, you will be given antibiotics. Fingers crossed its not the ones you can't drink on :D

22-12-12, 14:32
No they won't remove it if it's showing any sign of infection, you will be given antibiotics. Fingers crossed its not the ones you can't drink on :D

Cheers Bernie,

If it is those dreaded antibiotics I'm sure they can at least wait till boxing day! I'm not in any pain and its NOT swollen and red, just smells a little bit....funky....

Im sure it wont escalate into a fatal condition over one day! No ones gonna ruin christmas!


22-12-12, 23:08
Hi overhead drums

What you can smell is only some food that probably has become stuck in the gum. If you get one of those tiny head brushes for you back teeth you will probably get it out.

I have had a lot of wisdom tooth infections and I do need to get mine out, but I am able to keep the infections under control by doing these things 3-4 times a day. ONLY when I feel an infection coming on, not every day!

Rinse with warm salt water (I swear nothing works as good as this)
Brush teeth and use small tooth brush for back tooth.

Just monitor. You will know if it is an infection. I could barely open my mouth when I had mine.

23-12-12, 08:14
hi overhead_drums - i remember my wisdom teeth coming through (bit of a miracle really as it was a long time ago). It sounds like you are being very sensbile & doing all the right things here - including seeking reassurance. It can take time for wisdom teeth to come through & it is a nuisance though they can then settle down. Many people have problems while the teeth break through & the smell you refer to doesnt surprise me as its very difficult keeping the area clean while the teeth come through. The gum is of course a neat pocket just inviting food to get trapped & food alone (without infection) can definitely smell i'm afraid. I've had that when I floss my teeth & something has been trapped. It is a bit yukky but does happen.
I had similar issues with my wisdom teeth which did get better each time & eventually settled completely. Its sensible to see your dentist & they will monitor what is happening. Its natural to fear they'll start pulling your teeth out, but I imagine for now, as things progress you & your dentist can decide if any action is necessary but as the teeth are just coming through, they will probably not do anything at the moment. I agree with iamstrong that what you can smell is food that probably stuck in the gum & rinsing with warm salt water is a very good solution as its a natural way of dealing with it (or indeed some mouthwash as is also suggested below). You'll have to let us know how you get on.

23-12-12, 11:07
Cheers for the detailed responses,

This morning i discovered a new area around the side of my wisdom tooth where (using one of those small brushes) was able to get round the side of the tooth and pulled some gunky/bloody horrible stuff out...sorry about that.

I agree with both of you its most probably trapped food as i am in no pain. Hopefully i solved the issue this morning whilst brushing but hopefully the dentist will show me other ways to get it clean.

Cheers again guys! Have a great Christmas! x

23-12-12, 17:14
Hello all,

Since this morning when I discovered where this food was probably hiding and got in there with a little brush it hasn't smelt anywhere near as bad which i'm chuffed about!

Fingers crossed its much better tomorrow morning then I can cancel the dentist and save a bit of money and chill out on Christmas eve!

Thank you to Bernie, iamstrong and Tessar for the info and great suggestions.

Fingers crossed its okay tomorrow!

Have a great Christmas all! x