View Full Version : Chest pressure

22-12-12, 14:06
Can anyone relate to my symptoms

Chest pressure, as if thumbs are pressing on my chest
Chest tightness
Squeezing heart sensation
A strange ache like a tooth ache feeling in my chest
Heart flip flops
Pain in my back between my shoulder blades
Tooth ache
Jaw ache
Blurred vision
Dry throt, a massive thirst feeling
Pains and aches in my arms and legs
Dizzy feeling
Lack of concentration
Pulsing sensation in my head

Sorry but can't come to terms with all these symptoms being stress anxiety and antic attacks
Could really do with advice here

22-12-12, 14:09
They all can be anxiety related symptoms. have you spoken to your doctor about them?

22-12-12, 14:28
Yeah and prescribed 2mg diazepam
150mg sertraline
And 2.5 of beta blocker

22-12-12, 14:31
He is obviously sure it is anxiety related then and the symptoms you have all go with anxiety :hugs:

22-12-12, 14:44
I get many of the above symptoms you have listed above, ive got alot of the same at this very moment, also my appetite goes i cant bring myself to get up and get something to eat my stomachs always rumbling which just adds to my anxiety, Its all terrible to live with!!:weep: but i hope the meds get you back on track soon!!!:)