View Full Version : Nose cancer!!!!!!

harrys mummy
22-12-12, 15:25
Hi everyone, I've not been on for a while, not been feeling too bad! Had my appointment with the carpal tunnel specialist who confirmed I have mild carpal tunnel in both my wrists, so although I still have numb fingertips I'm fairly convienced that its that now not MS!

So now a new problem arises! I must have scratched the inside of my nose a while ago because I had a sore spot that bleed and cracked when I twitched my nose, hadn't given it much thought until suddenly the other day I realised its still there and sore, so now I'm convienced its cancer! Doctor google has fuled my obsession once again as usual!!! I've tried putting vasaline in it, sudocream and savalon but nothings working! They say a sore that doesn't heal may be cancerous!!!! OMG I can't believe it just when I thought I was going to be able to enjoy christmas this pops up its nasty head!!!!!

22-12-12, 15:54
I have had a sore on the inside of my right side nostril for a couple years...it's just dry. Then when I get a cold or something and have a runny nose it goes away. No dr has ever thought anything bad. Just gave a cream to put on it. I put vasaline on it, as it hurts otherwise...hope this helps!

22-12-12, 16:22
You don't say how long ago you scratched your nose, but being an open, "moist" area that you can't not use (i.e. you can't stop breathing or producing mucus! :) ) the insides of noses do always take longer to heal than other areas in my experience.