View Full Version : Strange feeling in my face, normal?

22-12-12, 17:57
Hi, I have been experiencing a weird symptoms but I am not sure whether there is actually something wrong with me or whether it's just another symptom of a panic attack. I get a tingling/numb feeling in my left cheek. It goes up to my nose and my eye. It's not swollen and I still have feeling in my cheek but it feels uncomfortable and scary. I've been to a doctor before as I have had this for quite a while now. It's not constant. I had sugar levels checked etc and it has all come back fine... he's not sure what it could be. Has anyone else experienced this? Please help :)

22-12-12, 20:02
Some sort of sinus irritation or allergy perhaps?

22-12-12, 23:56
I've had this for over a year now though ...

23-12-12, 04:52
I get a tingling on the roof of my mouth :(
It comes and goes but so far nothing bad has happened so it doesn't scare me as much now.
I do wonder if its a nerve issue, there's nerves along your jaw so if you're tense or clenching your teeth it can cause facial numbness and tingling but so can anxiety.

23-12-12, 11:18
Hi nat, I get this when I'm really really stressed! It's very unpleasant I always think stroke or something.

Might just be that if you've had tests or this time of year, like mark13 says - allergy or sinus or u could be coming down with something.