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View Full Version : Terrified of going blind :(

22-12-12, 20:04
So my anxiety hasnt flared up for a while now though I have been a bit stressed out however the other night when I woke up I noticed a flash of light and Ive noticed when my eyes are shut for a while in the dark the same thing happened Ive had something similiar a year ago and I am obsessed with my eyes always checking for symptoms and everything and Im petrified, Ive had my eyes checked around 6 times this year to check for a detached retina and nothings been found my eyes are healthy Im so worried that I actually threw up this morning please help Im only 18 and dont want to go blind

22-12-12, 20:07
Do you have any idea where this fear has come from? Do you know any blind people?

You've obviously had numerous checks at the Opticians and have been given the all clear. Trust me, they know what they're doing, they would spot a problem straight away.

22-12-12, 20:14
I'm short sighted and my Grandma has had many vision problems in the past and has come close to becoming blind so I guess its that thats triggered it off.
And thank you, I'm just worried I should go back to my opiticans again, Like I said I've been to them 6 or 7 times in the past year with almost the same thing they're getting sick of me but what if it is something serious and I wake up blind :( Urgh I was doing so well without getting anxious

22-12-12, 20:23
If it was something serious the Opticians would have found it.

I mean there are very few conditions which can cause blindness, and only one I'm aware of that could cause blindness quickly (no I won't tell you what it is but it's very very rare and you would have such severe symptoms you would be in hospital).

There are various hereditary problems that can eventually over the course of years lead to blindness but again, your Opticians would be aware.

You are not going to wake up blind, I can say that with the utmost certainty.

22-12-12, 20:28
Thank you, you have relieved me a bit, I keep trying to tell myself if I had a detachment or tear the symptoms would be more persistent and serious and I've actually read of people having anxiety having the exact same symptoms of mine its just so scary and finding it hard to believe anxiety is causing these symptoms

22-12-12, 20:35
I've got "visual snow", phosphenes and floaters in my vision, and I've had laser surgery to create holes in my irises to help prevent glaucoma (family history therefore high risk) and I am not worried in the slightest that I'll go blind.

I know anxiety magnifies things but I'm just trying to put things in perspective for you as it's hard with Health Anxiety.

I probably have a much higher risk of going blind than most, certainly infinitely higher than your risk, and I certainly don't want to go blind, but the chances even for me are so slim I don't give it a second's thought.

You probably have more chance of winning the lottery than going blind.

22-12-12, 21:35
Thank you for the reassurance, I also get the visual snow and floaters and had them for years and yet never worried about them, I googled before which was bad of me I know :( about retinal detachments and oddly it kind of reassured me because it said the symptoms of a detachment would be persistent and its quite rare for it to happen in young people without injury, just still a little worried of a retinal tear but again I suppose the symptoms would be more obvious and persistent.

22-12-12, 22:50
From what I've read they would be obvious and persistent. You've nothing to worry about concerning your eyesight.

23-12-12, 00:05
Thank you very much for your replies, you've put my mind at ease :) still a bit panicky and shaky but hope it goes away soon

23-12-12, 10:41
Hi :) I guess I've replied to you in another place...

I know what it's like to have all kind of disturbances and yes, my eyes are fine too. Try to accept it's like special effects in your eyes, not a symptom of anything. And to go on with your daily activities. It's hard at the beginning, but then gets easier, trust me!

Best wishes.