View Full Version : Needing a bit of advice...

23-12-12, 02:48
I am new to this site. I have been searching around for a bit of advice. I have anxiety and panic disorder. It really kicked in while I was working at one job that I had and caused me to be hospitalized not only once, but twice. After the second time, I quit the job and looked for a new one. I worked at the new one until I moved, but could not face the job without heavy meds and even somedays, the meds did not help. I am at the point again where I need to find myself a job again and I know this, but I am havinng extreme anxiety about taking one again as I am off my meds now and I remember vividly what happened at the other two. I do not mind working, it is the stress level that is behind it I believe. I at this point cannot afford to get myself medicated again and am at a loss for what to do. I know what I need to do, but my panic and anxiety is holding me back alot.

Thank you for your advice,

23-12-12, 04:49
Wha anxiety symptoms were you having?
Maybe some practical therapy like CBT could help you cope better with the stress.
Meds can be helpful, but often don't address the deeper emotinal issues or the learned behavior, avoidance and how you deal with the anxiety.

23-12-12, 18:03
Years ago I was in a job I really enjoyed and then procedures changed and so much stress was put on the staff that alot of people were turning to meds to keep them going. I left that job but the next one was just as bad until later I found a job that I enjoyed once more and actually looked forward going in each day.

Therefore, in my experience I've found that you need to look for a subject that you have an interest in or you think you would find enjoyable because then you forget about feeling anxious because you end up looking forward to doing your job. In other words, make sure your foundation is good then go for it because the rest will follow and you'll be less likely to sink under stress.

The other way is to find a part time job that would help you build confidence to enable you to take on a full weeks work at a later stage when you feel more confident in your coping abilities. :hugs:

23-12-12, 19:35
have you thought about taking on a job like data inputting where you had little to deal with people?