View Full Version : On my period n had a slight wet patch on nipple area just googled please help

23-12-12, 02:51
Oh no I've got myself in a right state I got up to the toilet n I'm on my period n as I looked in the mirror there was a small circle of wet at the end if my nipple is this classed as discharge I'm really really scared n need some reassurance I shouldn't if googled but I thought it might be normal seen as I'm on my period

23-12-12, 03:27
I do get that to when I start my period and it scared me as well! When I went to the doctor I had tons and tons of tests done and they said its hormonal. They said its worrysome if its blood but if its clear or milky its most likely hormones especially on your time of the month.

23-12-12, 03:47
Oh thanku so much I've just been going out my mind with worry all it says on google is about nipple discharge n the worst case etc so it should be ok then hopefully it was just a slight wet patch x

23-12-12, 04:29
I know you can produce a little milk.
Never happened me but they say it can happen you spend time with children as it triggers off a hormonal effect.
I know certain medications can cause it too.
I would definitely mention it to the doctor, next time your there.
I know it worry me too, but it can happen and doesn't mean anythings wrong other than your hormones went a bit funny :)

23-12-12, 07:07
Do u think I should be concerned then?

23-12-12, 08:15
Oh no I mean it's always good to mention "new" symptoms to your doctor.
I didn't mean to say you should be worried :)
It's very common, from what I hear. As long as the fluid is clear, white or milky but not yellow, red or green it's propbally hormonal.

23-12-12, 08:29
Thanku it's only happened once but it's sent me really down n panicky why do we always think the worst I'm thinking I need to get to the doctors oh no it's Sunday n they are going to send me for tests n the results will be bad etc etc my mind is on overdrive :-(