View Full Version : Health and General Anxicity

23-12-12, 06:32
Hi my name is Luke and i was diagnosed with Anxicity over a year ago. it all started when i thought i was having a heart attack in which i went to the hospital this happened 3 times in a week and after several tests i was told i had anxicity. i went to my doctors who put me on some medication Paxi 40g which i was on for 7 months. i then decided to take my self off the medication as i thought i was better, BIG Mistake i sinse lost my job and now have been put on Citlopram which im finding very difficult to use. my syptoms very from cold feet ache left arm pains in my chest(acid relux) every day i have a new symptom in which i then spend the day on Google... self diagnosing myself... i am only 27 but this is killing me... i often think i would be better off not being here as i see no light at the end of tunnel. now at 6.27 i have not been able to sleep all night i am getting cold chills my left arm feels dead. im scared to sleep in case i don't wake up... i have convinced myself there is something wrong with me although the doctor always brushes it off as ANXICITY.. i would love to see if i could get any help on here. thanks again LUKE

23-12-12, 06:42
Hi lukepats27

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

23-12-12, 06:43
hi lukepats27

we just wanted to welcome you aboard to nmp. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.
thanks hopefully i will find some peace of mind

23-12-12, 06:57
It seems you have health anxiety. Where you google your harmless anxiety symptoms and find scary things online.
When you went to the hospital I assume they ran all the tests so you know your healthy :)
Medican can be helpful but it won't stop you googling or being worried about your symptoms.
CBT therapy is good, you can get a therpist, try a CBT book or search online for free courses.

I would suggest improving your diet or taking a multivitamin.
Omega 3 and probiotics yogurts or tablets can help anxiety.

Symptom wise, it's normal to have a whole range of strange symptoms with anxiety even ones you never had before.
If you have reflux or digestive issues that can cause chest pain.
A lot of people think they are having a heart attack only to discover is was a bad case of indigestion.

Were you prone to anxiety before? Or maybe you were feeling a bit under stress.


23-12-12, 07:01
thanks for the message.. basically my world is being taken over by doctor google... they did run tests at the hospital... my lifestyle is in need of change but to be honest its hard to change when i am under so much stress and anxitiy.. paxi was alot better then citlopram problem with paxi is coming off the stuff felt terrible