View Full Version : Does anyone ever get a bad day where you simply cannot function?

23-12-12, 07:45
I had one of those days yesterday.
My anxiety was very high, I retreated to bed and the Internet.
Although other times I can't sit still so I clean the house :)

Anyways I did pretty much nothing, I couldn't bring myself to even eat.
I don't know why, I can't even explain it, yes my appetite goes or at least my desire to eat.
I did drink tea and had some soup but only because I felt faint and I was scared of fainting.

I seem to get into this way of thinking if I do anything slmething bad will happen. I don't know maybe it's just paranoia!

I know not eating makes anxiety worse, so I can't figure out why I almost seem to shut down, on a bad day.

I drank a lot of sprite though, you know for the sugar but still it's not good to not eat any food all day long.

I feel almost desperate to escape the anxiety and uncomfortable symptoms.
Maybe it's part of the flight or fight response where I freeze up or shut down.

I know better, but some days my anxiety just takes over.
It almost feels self inflicted because I know not eating will over all make me feel worse.

I woke up feeling ok but then I did feel depressed, so maybe it's a mix of depression and anxiety. Where I can't motivate myself to do anything and then the anxiety makes me too fearful to do anything.

I'm just curious to see if anyone else has days where the anxiety seems to totally take over.

23-12-12, 09:43
Hi anxious gal,

I think we all have days like that, I know I do! Try not to worry rro much about the not eating thing-I'm the same,but it does pass and as long as you keep your fluid levels up you will be ok. I would say that the Sprite thing will probably make you worse-too much sugar will defi itely set you off. Try decaf tea or just plain old water to keep you on an even keel.

The anxiety will make you feel like not eating because it can make your stomach churn, but remember, it will pass and if you need to chill out for a bit while it does then so be it :) Just eat what you feel like and try not to dwell on it too much. Your body knows what to do.

Hope you're feeling better xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-12-12, 09:49
Me too, having one of those days today. I want to lie in bed and do nothing but that doesn't help the anxiety, I don't know what to do for the best.

Not eating doesn't help, I've had some cereal to try to help me feel better.

Remember, this to will pass. Accept and float x

23-12-12, 10:17
I am having one of those days too. Had about one hour sleep last night.
Just could not settle. Waiting for my grandaughter to be picked up.We have
had her to stay.
We do not have much food in.. I just cannot be bothered.
I cannot wait to get back into bed. I hope I will feel better tomorrow because
of food shopping

23-12-12, 12:09
Sounds like we're all in the same boat, shall we try and support each other over the next few days??

I've got lots of food in Magic, did an online shop but have no idea how I'm going to cook it let alone eat it. I don't know what to do with myself, I've taken a Diazepam which has taken the edge off but still finding it hard to get through the day.

Caramel - my partners got things to do today and is getting a bit short with me now, he says just stay in bed but that doesn't always help me - too much time to think and dwell on how awful it feels. I know they stuggle to understand how bad we feel, there are no words to describe it accurately but I'm with you and we will both get through this.

On the positive side I have had a shower and got dressed now and going to take the dog out for a while, my hair looks like a scarecrows though so a hat may be in order.

Remember - float through it and it will pass

Love and hugs Sam

23-12-12, 13:08
I get days like that and just want to hide in my room and cry. It also makes my appetite go as I get so nauseous.

23-12-12, 14:03
Im exactly the same at the minute, just cant be bothered eat then when i get stomach ache and feel like im going pass out and get up and force myself to get something to eat, i have to force it down it often makes me heave, but do feel better once had food, but yeh the depression keeps you low and feeling worthless and the anxiety and panic keeps you frozen and too scared to do anything, so so easy to just sit and dwell i often feel like i go into trances where me bad thoughts just run wild and struggle to snap back out of them, But if we all support each other over the next few days after all it is the most stressfull time of the year, We should be fine!!!

23-12-12, 16:39
Hi all, me too! some days i cant eat :( i can have a really good day...then have a bad day. for me, im a worrier...a big time worrier, i worry about everything and everyone and worry about worrying...then i cant eat, then i feel anxious, then i feel sick, then i want to cry.

I see a pattern....

23-12-12, 17:12
How's everyone doing this afternoon then?
I picked up for a bit and did a few bits and pieces but have taken another Diazepam and retreated to bed now as I'm anxious and tired.
Thankfully the depression has lessened today, yesterday it was horrible - it must be the meds messing with my brain, I could give myself a good slap - do you think that would work?:)
Eating and sleeping are my two favourite past-times, you can keep sex, alcohol, TV and shopping, I'm not that interested in them but this illness has taken all the joy out of the things I enjoy and I am particulalry talented at sleeping and eating too:blush: I can't remember the last time I really enjoyed a meal or got into a freshly made bed and enjoyed that snuggly down feeling or waking up in the morning knowing that I didn't need to get up and could snuggle in for longer. It's the simple pleasures I miss. Now I eat because I know I must and am pleased when the alarm goes off as it marks the end of another night. Sorry to sound so depressing but didn't realise just how low I've got until I thought about the things I used to enjoy.

Anyway the meds will sort that out for me I'm sure, just got to get through this next week or two and with a little help from my friends I'm sure I'll survive
Love Sam

23-12-12, 17:53
I have been to bed and slept for 2 hours this afternoon.
The house is a mess. I will try to tidy up tomorrow after shopping.
Samhar, I know what you mean, you say exactly how I used to be.
I know it sounds depressing how i am now,but maybe tomorro will be
better.I too cannot remember the last time i enjoyed a meal, it's taking
forever to eat this sandwich I have beside me

24-12-12, 00:51
Thanks for the reply, makes me feel better that I'm not the only one.

Sorry to hear you had a bad day too, *hugs*
That's great you managed to do a little bit.
How do you find the seditives? I find that they don't help with the mental anxiety but they can lift my mood. Saying that I rarely take them as I've only got 4 for emergencies lol
I've been single too long, but I do miss the having someone to cuddle up too :)
I love coffee, it makes happy. I really look forward to it ha ha but I try to keep it at one cup a day and it's weak coffee not strong.

Yeah I'm cleaning today since I did nothing yesterday. I've not even that much to clean.
Once I get started its not too bad.
Plus I feel calmer when the house is clean and I get to stop thinking I really should clean up or worrying people will come over and see the house is a mess :)

Aw yeah it feels like a cycle at times you get stuck in it!

24-12-12, 06:43

24-12-12, 09:24
Yes, am sure lots of us get these days.
However, boring as this sounds, drinking a lot of sprite is a BAD thing to do because of the massive massive loads of sugars you then pump into your bloodstream.
One can has 26 g of sugar in it and I think the American heart association recommends a max of 30 g a day in total for a woman.
All of us with anxiety need to watch our sugar and caffeine intake it is like pouring petrol onto a fire.
So if on a typical bad day you aren't really giving your body food, your blood sugar levels may become too low. Your body doesn't like this. Whether you like it or not your brain will tell your adrenals to release a load of adrenaline to address this situation (adrenaline is necessary for the chemical process in your body to release any stored glucose you have lying around) thus raising your blood sugar levels to something your body feels happier with. However you have had to suffer the adrenaline and probably had a panic off the back of it.
Then if you go and pump another load of sugar into your body you may feel temporary benefits as the blood sugar levels reach normal but they will continue to rise and become too high. This in turn will make you feel bad.
You are putting your blood sugar on one hell of a roller coaster ride.
Not good for those of us with anxiety.
Could you not try a soup, some dry toast, a banana, nuts?
They may sound boring but your blood levels would be much better from them.

24-12-12, 09:38
How are we fareing today girls?
Any better?
I was jittery and tense chested again last night so took 2 Zopicline and slept like a log and feel more relaxed this morning, I don't think I'll be driving anywhere but will pootle around at home.

Anxiousgirl - I stopped drinking coffee in March when all this started again but I love my coffee, so in the past week I've been having one a day - I'm fed up letting anxiety rule my life and dictate what I can and can't eat and drink, so all things in moderation. I find the Diazepam take the edge of the panic, I take them reluctantly due to the highly addictive nature of them but they have got me through some crisis. I take a very low dose 2mg and they don't make you overly tired or doped up or happy - just a little less tense. I've never taken them for more than 5 days on the trot and have no problems stopping them.

Love and hugs to all those struggling today :hugs:

24-12-12, 10:15
Yes I regularly get days like that I'm afraid to say. I try and go to sleep in hopes that the day will pass quickly and I will feel better the following morning. x

24-12-12, 15:21
Shopping this morning, took a list. forgot my water i carry in my bag.,dry mouth whoops---and findin a toilet, had to run. Someone ran over my foot with a trolley.
Got to checkout, had to run back to the freezers to find a gateau x ?
Got wet through. Got home -- not enough room in fridge or freezer, half the food
upstairs in back room. Hoovered round. Just sat down. Feel calmer now.
Had 2 mogadon last night so did go to sleep--which was good.
Hope you all ok on this thread. and i hope you will be ok in the next few days.
Sending you :hugs::hugs:to everyone xxx Will be thinking of you

24-12-12, 15:56
I get days like this. Don't think of it as a bad thing - everyone, whether they are well or ill, has days when they feel down. The worst thing you can do though, is spend the day in bed, even if you want to. It usually (in my case anyway), makes me feel even worse as I feel I've wasted the day. Try and do something else if you can - housework, reading, painting, speaking to friends in real life or on the phone. I know its easier said than done but you will essentially be sticking the middle finger up at the anxiety/depression and telling it that YOU are the one in control :)

24-12-12, 16:24
I have had exactly one of those days today!

24-12-12, 17:06
I certainly do have days I just cant function. Mine is usually associated with my hormones. They seem to be capable of taking me over rather. So for me it's not really anxiety related, more so I just feel really lethargic & lose motivation for anything at all. There are days at work when I feel so lazy it's as if I exist all day without really doing much at all. I then feel guilty that I havent done enough. Or I get to the point there's only an hour or two to go & suddenly I realise there's loads I need to do before I can go home so I end up leaving later than I should, which adds to the whole cycle.
I can be like it at weekends too or in the evenings when I get home from work. This year in particular I havent been following my hobbies. I know its not been a very good year & I've had stuff to deal with which hasnt helped. I find in the end the only solution is to try and attaack things head on. Just get stuck into my day, whatever that is going to bring. At work, get in & get on. Sometimes it works, other times I just cant overcome it & the day degenerates to the point I hate myself for being so energyless & lethargic. It seems to take over my whole body & mind. I just want to curl up in bed & sleep or just lie there & exist.
The other thing I do as well, which makes it even worse, is stuff my face silly with things like sweets/crisps. Particularly if I do the crisps thing, it drains my energy & the additives, salt etc in the crisps is so bad for my body. I'm then fighting my psychological state as well as my poor body wondering why I'm punishing it so much. It then means I'm too full to drink water, which is good for me & also means I then have even less energy than before. So again, it all contributes to the downward cycle (if I let it).
Tonight's a good example of getting on. I got home early today as we'd done all our work & the bosses said we could leave early. When I got in, I still had a couple of cards to write, a pressie to wrap & local cards to deliver. I really couldnt be bothered to do any of it but decided to just do it. So I did. Good job too because our neighbour came round with our pressie & if I'd not got on, she'd have arrived & her one wouldn't have been wrapped. Plus, it was a nice surprise for my partner to get in & find I'd got all these things done. I'm really pleased now that I made the effort as all the way home I kept thinking I was too lazy & really couldnt be bothered. Oh and I went shopping too which saved my partner doing that. It turned out to be good that I did coz I bumped into 2 of my favourite friends. We only met for a couple of minutes but it was really good to see them.
So ......... now I can "veg" all I want knowing I got some chores done & I can feel good that I made the effort to save my partner having to go shopping as well. usually if I do push myself to get on, it does turn out well. its very, very rare that making the effort back-fires. Very rare indeed.

24-12-12, 18:13
Well done Magic and Tessar, you both sound like your coping with feeling rubbish and Christmas will be enjoyable for you.

I'm with you Caramel, feel like a tower of turds :huh: It's been a struggle from morning to night with a few glimpses of normality inbetween - I'm talking minutes not hours here. My thoughts are with you - we won't be like this for much longer - it can't be humanely possible.
Love and hugs

25-12-12, 02:25
Hallo all new here so not sure what to say but
agree with a lot of the above

xmas makes it worse does any feel like this
