View Full Version : Rant

25-08-06, 14:11
I suddenly find myself in a position of having to care for ageing parents/Inlaws. Although I understand the difficulties old age, it has been a shock to see a role reversal.
The old folk have become childlike ....... and bl**dy impossible to deal with !!!! :( ...... sorry, I must not behave in such a selfish manner ..... I'm soooo bad[8)]

Anybody got any useful tips or suggestions? ..... should I emigrate?


25-08-06, 14:29
hi dave
i know its hard dealing with elderly at times.im sure worse with parents.........i take care of elderly for work private care i was takin care of a alziemers women for 1 1/2 yrs it was challanging...but i looked at it this way what time they have left lets try and make them as comfortable as we can.. can be stessfull and they do have groups..meetings on this for support..you need to find some help so you can have time to yourself and it wont be as bad...i wish i could tell ya more but it is rewarding and at the end you will have no regrets...best to ya..Linda

25-08-06, 16:01
Hey Dave,

Can I just say if you look after them as well as you looked after me that morning at 5am in the forum you'll do a great job. lol

Take Care


25-08-06, 17:08
Hi Dave.

I can understand your stress over looking after your parents/inlaws, it must be sooo hard for you.

I have been a carer myself for the elderly and it is such a rewarding job, but to look after someone 24/7, must be hard.

Have you not got any family which you can share these things with, making a rota so you are not doing it all alone, you do need to take time for yourself, that is a must. You are only human and I'm sure you are doing the best you can. Please don't be to hard on yourself.



25-08-06, 17:40
hi dave

when we had to have my 78 yr old grandmother live with us she had alzheimers and was difficult to look after. they do turn into kids for some reason, we got in touch with social services and they provided respite care so we could have 2 weeks break and also got her into a day centre twice a week it really helped us out.


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

25-08-06, 19:17
Thanks everybody, dad/stepmum isn't living with me, they are 40 miles away, so in times of need off I go on an 80 mile round trip.
Luckily my Stepmum has her family to help out, but I have a reponsibilty to my father.

It's been a tough time this year as dad has had two hip replacement operations.
