View Full Version : eyes is this normal

23-12-12, 11:38
Hello just wanted a bit of advice to see if this is normal and I'm just worrying and blowing it out of proportion or if its something serious for a couple of weeks I have being noticing that when I go to bed in a dark room after I have turned TV off or stopped looking at my phone my eyes will go funny its like I can see normal but like vision closing in and funny all round edges of vision sorry its quite hard to explain like my eyes are struggling to focus in the dark it panics me so I put the TV back on but last night I just thought right just see what happened if I just waited after about 30 seconds to a minute it stopped and it was ok but I am getting worried it will do it in the day which it hasn't but I am that scared worried I could bring it on, please help I am also very short sighted. Thanks toria x

23-12-12, 11:59
Hi it will just be your vision adjusting to the dark I get all sorts of strange feelings in my eyes when I've been on my phone and then turn it off in a dark room honestly don't worry it sounds normal to me you will just of become aware of it n focused on it that's all x

23-12-12, 12:33
Thanks for reply I am really focusing on my eyes at minute and making every worse by worrying your reply has put my mind at ease toria x