View Full Version : Phobia of being sick, bringing on anxiety

23-12-12, 12:49
Basically about 2 and half months ago I was in hospital for 4 days with an unknown problem. I was given morphine on the first night with me being in so much pain and as it got into my system I felt very sick and was sick. The next day I was given codienne (a very strong painkiller) which I took 4x a day and i was sick again that night at same time as night before. So the next day I took 3 codienne tablets which made me feel really sick but I did not take the fourth one and that night I wasn't sick. I have a huge phobia of being sick and it has scared me to death. Every day I am thinking I am going to be sick. I get all wound up so end up with belly ache and chest pains, also some nights I find it difficult to sleep all the way through, I seem to burp all the time whenever I eat or drink or even if I don't. Sometimes when I stand up my vision blacks out, I feel dizzy sometimes, sometimes I cannot tell whether am hungry, got wind or feel nauseaus. All this is making me feel depressed and I have not been doctors yet so I haven't actually been diagnosed with anxiety. But does all this sound like anxiety? Also I get a weird feeling at the back of my throat and in my neck, like a tightness. Is anyone else experiencing this? It is honestly taking over my life :(

23-12-12, 16:13

First off, I also have a phobia of being sick, and it's practically taken over my life now.

Anyway, I think I have similar to what you have.. I'm constantly feeling nauseous these days and it's affected my appetite and everything. I can never tell if I'm about to burp or be sick anymore.. I feel something come up but then it sits right at the back of my throat. It's never came up any further.. I'm also have difficulty burping and they need to be forced quite a lot to pass. My doctors also think it's related to anxiety but I really don't think it is. If I were you, I'd get a second opinion.

This unknown issue is also depressing me because I've had it for so long now, also having emetophobia makes it worse, since it feels like sick is trying to come up... Ugh....

I don't know if you feel like this too but anyway, you're not alone!

Hope you have a nice Christmas by the way!

23-12-12, 16:19
Did anything trigger off your phobia to make it worse? Yea I do get that a lot with the burping and sometimes I have to force it out aswell! Have you ever seeked professional help like with a counsellor or hypnotist? Do you also get palpitations where your heart races? How long have you been feeling like this?

Thank you, you are not alone either!

Hope you have a nice christmas too!

23-12-12, 16:21
Whoops! Sorry for the double post. My phone was playing up.

When I was about 9 years old, I had an awful stomach virus which lasted 2 weeks, I lost over a stone and was sick all day and every day for 2 weeks. After that, I developed emetophobia, and since then I have not been sick once.

I'm having CBT at the moment, and I'm liking it so far. I will let you know how it goes. :)

Also, I suffer from heart races an awful lot too these days, especially when I'm panacing or having a panic attack. My emetophobia has gotten worse in the last 5 months or so, and never before even though I've had this phobia for 8 years now for some odd reason. It started getting worse when I started feeling nauseous everyday in August, I was convinced I was going to be sick, but I never was.. I bet if I didn't have this phobia I would have been loads of times by now.

Thank you by the way!