View Full Version : Anyone Else Feel Like

23-12-12, 15:50
Anyone else feel like you don't know how to be happy, calm and think normally anymore? I've had anxiety in different forms for about 5 or 6 years now and at the moment it's been 2 years since I've had any contact with friends or any form of social life/indepence or been out by myself. I just don't know how I used to be able to do certain things, I feel like I've lost touch with everything & everyone and have no idea how to be relaxed or happy anymore :( How do you get out of situation like this?

23-12-12, 16:38
Yes me, I feel like that too. Ive had anxiety problems for about 15 years. Its like ive forgotten how to feel happy or have fun. I dont go out at all (except for recently with a good friend). Ive been divorce for 10 years and despite being lonley, i havnt got a clue what to do about it. so your not on your own.

23-12-12, 16:49
Hi, I saw in a previous post you were prescribed fluoxetine but you said you'd rather try citalopram instead. Did anything come of that? It has helped me a lot along with my CBT. :)

23-12-12, 17:01
Yes me, I feel like that too. Ive had anxiety problems for about 15 years. Its like ive forgotten how to feel happy or have fun. I dont go out at all (except for recently with a good friend). Ive been divorce for 10 years and despite being lonley, i havnt got a clue what to do about it. so your not on your own.

Glad to hear I'm not alone with this, that's exactly how I feel and the agony being unhappy or lonely & wanting to change but not knowing where to start or being too afraid to :(

Hi, I saw in a previous post you were prescribed fluoxetine but you said you'd rather try citalopram instead. Did anything come of that? It has helped me a lot along with my CBT. :)

Hi Sparkle1984, no nothing has come of it yet, I've been putting off going to the doctors about it (I know I shouldn't though!) Do you take Fluoxetine or Citalopram? :)

23-12-12, 17:13
I'm on 10mg citalopram. Try not to put off going to the doctor's - they will be understanding and anxiety/depression is much more common than many people realise. The statistics I was given at my CBT class said that nearly 1 out of every 3 doctors appointments is due to a stress-related condition (including anxiety/depression). I was really surprised it was that high. So you're certainly not alone.

If it's been 2 years since you've been out alone or met up with your friends, then I'd recommend you ask for help as soon as possible, I certainly couldn't bear to live like that!

23-12-12, 17:15
i.m the same too so i understand hun i hardly leave the house cos my anxiety is getting worse i feel i lost touch with everything too hope we all find a way to get through this and beat it :hugs:

23-12-12, 17:23
If it's difficult for you to leave the house for a doctor's appointment, you could try asking for a telephone consultation or even a home visit.

23-12-12, 18:00
I'm on 10mg citalopram. Try not to put off going to the doctor's - they will be understanding and anxiety/depression is much more common than many people realise. The statistics I was given at my CBT class said that nearly 1 out of every 3 doctors appointments is due to a stress-related condition (including anxiety/depression). I was really surprised it was that high. So you're certainly not alone.

If it's been 2 years since you've been out alone or met up with your friends, then I'd recommend you ask for help as soon as possible, I certainly couldn't bear to live like that!

I know, I've heard statistics like that before, it's shocking but sad that so many people seem to suffer it in silence. If more people were open about it maybe it wouldn't be as hard! It is getting on top of me now especially at my age seeing my peers do all the things I wish I could do, I just feel so scared to take the medication, the doctors appointment isn't a problem, stressful, but I can do it, it's just once it comes down to taking the tablet I can't seem to pluck up enough courage! Argh, it's irritating!

If you don't mind me asking, how long have you taken Citalopram & how were the side effects for you?

i.m the same too so i understand hun i hardly leave the house cos my anxiety is getting worse i feel i lost touch with everything too hope we all find a way to get through this and beat it :hugs:

It's horrible isn't it? I feel so trapped in this cycle, I really hope we can both find a way back to our old selves :hugs:

23-12-12, 18:47
I sometimes look back a couple a years in amazement, I cannot believe I am the same person who back then used to work full time, go out every weekend to busy pubs, go to supermarkets whenever I felt like it. What on earth happened to me? All I can say JayJoe18 is I am just taking really small steps and congratulating myself on everything positive I achieve.
A trip to the shops on myself, drive a few miles in the car, or even just ring a friend, these are just little things that I try and do on days I feel well enough. Take Care :flowers:

23-12-12, 23:44
I've been on 10mg citalopram since August this year but initially I did have side effects like inability to sit still, feeling fidgety, feeling drowsy (although for the first 3 nights I hardly slept at all), feeling nauseous (which meant that I hardly ate anything for the first few days). The side effects did wear off for me in less than a week.

With citalopram it is fairly common for people to feel worse before they get better. It can take several weeks before you feel the full benefit of the medication. I felt a lot better after 3 weeks, but it was about 11 weeks before I felt the full effects.

I really hope that 2013 will be a better year for you. :)